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I ran into a problem that I could not find in your help. There is a Status Annotation plugin, it is very well for work’s control. I make a design for a client, and he’s could control the process with this plugin. But he’s a manager, not a designer. The client usually acts as a viewer, not an editor. This is done so that he cannot spoil anything in the design. But the viewers doesn’t have access to the plugin. Plugins can only be used by editors.

Could you make plugins available for viewers? It will be so usefull.


I agree with that but there are multiple plugins I would say the same thing for! Surely a lot easier to allow read-only plugins than for Figma to build out several pieces of functionality to not need plugins!

+1! This is a must, devs need plugins for their workflows. Figma team please add support for this.

+100. We have a widget that we use to generate handoff details for devs. Currently we are not able to fully leverage the widget since devs can run the code that updates it. It’s particularly confounding since the Widget API documentation literally starts with:

Widgets are interactive objects that extend the functionality of design files and FigJam boards. Unlike plugins that run for a specific person, everyone can see and interact with the same widget. You can add as many widgets to the board as you need and even run them at the same time. This makes them great for collaboration!

No caveat’s about everyone only being those with edit-access mentioned anywhere in the Widget documentation, that I can find.

Figma Learn - Help Center

+1 for this feature

Duplicating a document every time it changes is kind of messy.

+1 please add this. It will help dev and design teams greatly

+1 for this feature.

+1 amazing that can’t do this.

+1, definitely need this for viewer navigation for example (navigate to specific nodes)

+1 for this feature! I understand that it’s not easy, as some plugins / plugin actions make changes. But hopefully there’s a way of flagging an entire plugin (or an individual plugin action) as something that makes changes (and therefore requires “edit” access to use) vs plugins / plugin actions that don’t make modifications (and can therefore safely be used with just “view” access).

We’re using the Token Studio plugin and it’d be great if our developers could launch the plugin and simply view the design tokens used.

yes! just let us choose to make it open to viewers or not - problem solved!

Yes, please! We’d love to make use of a localization plugin. It’d be easiest if the devs can push the strings themselves directly from Figma, so it’s one workflow for one person and not multiple flows for multiple people.

👍 This would be awesome

give it to us

We need this, please!

Annotation intentionally for viewers to add notes. Really need this, please!

We have a plugin that helps developers convert Figma to code more easily. The developers usually only have view access, so they cannot use the plugin. This is a really big pain point for us.

this would be very useful I want to use a export presets plugin but I am a developer not designer

+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 please

Plugins made for DevMode can now be run by viewers!

Plugin in Dev Mode can access the current page, listen to events, and make network requests, but crucially they cannot modify the document, with the exception of writing certain metadata like pluginData and relaunchData. So, any method or operation in the plugin API that creates new nodes, deletes existing nodes, or modifies an existing node isn’t available in Dev Mode.

Read more: Key differences between plugins in Dev Mode and other plugins

We really need this update.

Some widgets are useless if they can’t be used by viewers. For example Navigate and Walkthrough

Agreed! Allow viewers to use plug-ins please!!

having viewer run plugins is great but i think it’s going to be better if it’s add this to Figma API by adding the permission to User Object so we can show/hide information, actions, and views based on it

I agree, please allow this!

+1! Please allow viewer to perform actions with widgets, we need engs to do some readonly actions from widgets.
