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I ran into a problem that I could not find in your help. There is a Status Annotation plugin, it is very well for work’s control. I make a design for a client, and he’s could control the process with this plugin. But he’s a manager, not a designer. The client usually acts as a viewer, not an editor. This is done so that he cannot spoil anything in the design. But the viewers doesn’t have access to the plugin. Plugins can only be used by editors.

Could you make plugins available for viewers? It will be so usefull.


We are also looking for a “viewer role” search function on text. Plugins are not available for viewers… Any update?

We are finally writing guidines, but without ctrl+f, its annoying for our readers.

Same here! I would love to use a plugin like Frontitude to push text changes in view-only mode. This feature would help so much! I’m a product designer looking for a way where other teams like sales/delivery can easily edit texts in Figma screens and add those to their client presentations.

Both developers and designers need search some text or color in a design file. I believe Figma own implementation is better than plugins.

Hi Figma team,

Any update on this matter? it seems a common need to have plugins available for viewers. It would be very appreciated to have an answer.

Title says it all really, as it stands you need to have edit access to a file to run plugins. However there are tons of useful plugins like Contrast, which don’t modify anything in the user’s files, and would be useful to users with read-only access.

With widgets having just been introduce in Figma, I’ve come across the Navigate widget which helps users move around your file. This would also be useful to read-only users. And in this case the widget developer would presumably want to make it so only editors can set up the navigation, but anyone can click the button to be taken to the corresponding section of the file. In fact it’s likely to be more useful for stakeholders who are a bit less familiar with the file, who you might not want to give edit access in the first place.

ah thanks! I couldn’t find anything when searching and was surprised it hadn’t been mentioned before. Guess it had! 😅

+1 on this, seemed logical to have view only first time I tried widget and got hyped about viewers being able to use it. But, after initial hype I was a bit down for not being interactive for viewers. Still, hope we’ll see this implemented in the future.

@mods Could you please merge my idea with the above?

I had the exact same experience yesterday!

Ah, I thought I was doing something wrong. It seems sow logic viewers can interact with vote and poll widgets. This could be so powerfull for Figma!

+100500. This is a very obvious and immediately expected use case which is missing. Viewers can comment on the doc, thus viewers must also be able to do “+1s”, i.e. interact with widgets.

Otherwise widgets make no sense in our workflows! Given this implemented, widgets are an amazing addition that will bring LGTMs and reviews directly to our workflows.

Please allow viewer interaction with widgets.

+1 for this feature.

+1 for this feature.


It would be cool if read-only users could use widgets e.g. for voting.

+1 for this feature.

+1 Plugins like Find In Page that allows you to do a text search would be very helpful for view only. I constantly have to ask my designers where specific designs are.

+1 for plugin access for viewers. Also +1 for being able to search

+100 plugin access for viewers. it will make engineer friends’ life so much easier!

Please make this happen. This would be really useful for the QA to inspect and find elements/component/content more easily among all my pages.

+10000 - this will help our developers inspect better the designs


need this feature!!

Need it too ! Pleaaase

Really not having plugin available as viewer is senseless. If we would like to restrict any access to the design we simply revoke the access from user to it. Not every plugin will have to change the design LMAO.

Not being able to use basic features link finding text as a viewer is severely limiting! If a plugin only has read access, then it should be available to viewers.

I would absolutely need this as well. I don’t understand the limitation, especially for plugins like “Search” that allow for cross-frame text-based search.

If figma would add some sort of “Search in file” similarly to sketch where you filter the layer stack based on the name of the layer, this wouldn’t even be needed imo.
