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It would be really great if there was an option in an auto layout frame where the frame would wrap the objects to the next line. Like this. Objects would respect the padding set in the Auto layout.



sure it will be so usefull for prototypes and tech specifications

First, I love the new features implemented in this new version! You are really moving in the right direction.

Second, I am a bit disappointed because you missed out this so wanted feature. I hope you can include it in the next feature update!

Add another to the list!

Thanks for the great update.

However, it did not include the auto-layout object wrapping feature.

I really need it +1.

plus 1 for the wrapping feature

Also waiting for this feature 😃


this please!

yes please!

I need this feature!


This will certainly be a very helpful addition!

However I understand it is not so easy to do. There will some other things besides wrapping that needs to be considered. Can you setup a min-width for the children for example and make it stretch when the container width is larger than the number of columns you want. Just simply making the requirement to make the item a certain width for wrapping to work would make the feature not as powerful and limiting. So I suggest adding something like this, CSS Grid has this I believe. Also if possible please add fraction support for the width/height props, 1fr 2fr etc… Also in terms of grid display there are many possibilities. Ability to specify nr of columns and auto wrapping (min-width) - dynamic nr of columns based of width of item. Both will have different effects and both are needed.

+1 Upvote ❤️


This will greatly help with creating layouts for multiple devices and this feature has been needed for more than a year now.

+1. Kind of bummed the latest update didn’t include wrapping elements.

+1 … million!

Would love this! Always just thought I was missing something when trying to do this!!

+1 pretty please with cherry in top

If anyone is looking at this since the new Auto Layout update, I would personally advise staying away from plugin mentioned in the OP post, which changes core functionality. You will regret it as others begin to use those components, and there are more Figma updates. Things will break, and the plugin currently doesn’t work with the latest update. Be patient and work around the constraints. Communicate with your teams about the limitations too.

+1 it’s a must have


This is the feature I miss the most.

Thank you. 🙂

A must have feature to bridge the gap between designers and developers even further.

I too really could use this feature.

+1 yes please 🤓

This can also be done in CSS with display: inline-block or float: left

as I see it, Figma’s role is to anticipate CSS. It can also be wishful, but ultimately it should be pragmatic and let designers point developers to basic CSS features like wrapping blocks to multiple lines. Is Figma a CSS interface, and if not, why not? Couldn’t it be built as a UX oriented interface on top of something like Chrome? Surely that would make adding features such as this a breeze (not to mention the benefits of aria controls for accessibility), compared to having to reinvent the wheel every time, or am I missing something?

I only spent about 2 days with Figma and ran into this missing feature.

I can only put out my vote to implement this feature as soon as possible.

Thank you

