One common problem I run into, as well as others is adding things to component instances, or changing things like auto-layout direction for a given instance.
Right now, in order to achieve for example a tree structure that can grow would be to make sure that the tree items are not in a component, and handle the nesting manually by resizing the tree nodes. This can get pretty bothersome when you also need to worry about other layout constraints, or need to change the spacing for example. Another way would be to have all of the possible tree nodes you want already pre-created in the master component, but this makes it quite annoying to manage, because you’d need to always hide and unhide each tree node and it pollutes your layer view with unnecessary items.
I think a solution to this problem, and also likely other common issues with component instance management would be to just allow instances to be modified completely without restrictions, including being able to add items into the hierarchy of an instance. These items would be clearly marked as foreign. Something along these lines:
This would also make it possible to compose elements together out of other components without using variants. An example could be a base button component, which has only a label, but you could add an icon to the button either by drawing directly inside the button instance, or placing an icon component inside the instance.
Then to solve the “tree problem”, one would just have an empty auto-layout “children” frame in the tree node master component, and when you create an instance of it, you can then just add any number of tree node instances into the children frame, and nest them however deep is necessary. Then if you decide to change the padding of the child nodes for example, you just change it in the tree node master and everything will automatically update.
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If I could have one significant new feature in Figma, this is it: container components. This is basically the Figma equivalent of the children property in React, or media placeholders in Keynote.
I’d like to define one or more “parent” frames in a component into which I can place one or more non-component objects that behave as they would if the parent frame weren’t part of a component. So if the parent frame is just a regular frame, I can, say, put a rectangle in it and drag it anywhere. If the parent frame uses autolayout, I can put three rectangles in and they line up and size themselves accordingly. And so on. You do get some of this with instance swaps but only some.
I have this problem with a table. So i created a component with 8 column and 10 rows. In our application we work with allot of data tables and for designing screen in need to adjust the table component top more or less columns/rows. But after making it a component it’s not possible. So i need to detach the component to make it work. I think it’s pretty annoying.
I feel like I face this problem all the time. I make use of Figma’s variants for prototyping purposes so I don’t want to detach an instance because then obviously the prototyping function will disconnect as well. To make things worse, I don’t typically want to make huge changes on instances, I typically just want to add on to them. For example, the component I am working with at the moment displays a dropdown list. When you activated, the list is displayed, when disabled, the list is hidden. I used auto layout to create everything and I simply want to add items on the list to one of the instances. If there is a better way to do this now, I would love any advice. I feel like the best solution would be if I could simply add to the instance while retaining prototype function…
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To maintain the consistency of a design system, designers should have the ability to determine which auto layout can be moved. This is particularly helpful in list-type components, such as navigation, steppers, data lists/tables, etc. Requiring users to detach a component due to changing the order of an auto layout goes against design system maintainability.
Even the Sun can rise in the West. I will never have a solid component.
I know I’m late to the party but that is exactly what I think is needed.
That’s one of the only steps missing from Figma’s goals of bringing design and dev teams closer together.
+1 man!
I agree that looking at it from the dev side is what makes sense here.
For example, comparing Figma components and React components, this issue is one of the big differences.
In React, it is common to pass “children” into a component. Child components can be both your custom components and natively supported “components” (html tags).
This is what I think is missing in Figma. You can only pass custom components using “instance swap” properties. It isn’t possible to pass Figma’s natively supported “components” (frame, group, autolayout, etc.) to a component.
Fully Agreed. Make Sure to share this thread with your Figma friends and make it blow up! 🤩
How in the world is this not getting more attention? Coming from XD here where this isn’t an issue.
I ran into this problem yesterday and thought there must be something I’m doing wrong, but no. What, ultimately, is the point taking the care to create a design system when you need to detach components in order to make simple overrides?
I think the concept of not allowing overrides is actually intentional. That’s how components generally work when coding, so it seems to me that Figma wants things to line up better between dev and design teams.
Of course, since component properties can only be used for certain attributes in Figma, there is still a huge gap between dev and design.
Anyway, my point is that I also came from XD and it’s a lot simpler if you think of your components as being the same components that will be created by developers. In XD I used to create certain components solely for the sake of making the design process easier, knowing I could override it. In Figma that doesn’t work (although component variants sometimes seems similar).
Ironically though, sometimes I do create one-time use components to do some weird stuff with component swaps hack Figma into allowing customization of child components.
@Travis12 Other commenters in this thread have raised a number of really great user problems that OP’s suggestion would solve.
The problem is less about allowing overrides and more about allowing composition. As others have already described in depth, if you want to create any type of container element that has options for how it is composed (think predefined Grid / Column Templates or complex Card) you currently can’t do it inline without detaching. Creating Swap-In components separate from the actual Page Frame is a solution but can feel a little disjointed depending on your workflow.
Saying that overrides aren’t generally allowed on components in coding is objectively wrong and seemingly contradicts your previous comment re React composition (which I agree with). Can you provide some justification / examples for this statement?
This is a problem even with simple components, like a Breadcrumb. It is a perfect example, because you could find yourself in the need of have a lot of steps on a particular instance and the only way to have them without detach is to have lot of them hidden in the component.
This tells me you are a designer and not a developer TBH. Remember, this is a design tool for creating a development prototype. Designers are part of the stakeholders, but they are not the only ones.
Just gonna add my vote for this. It would be reaaaaly useful sometimes.
Issue: Change the content of a component without loosing the component changes.
Example: I have created a component for a modal window.
Now I create an instance but can’t freely place content inside this modal window without detaching the component and so loosing all the changes to this modal component.
Idea: I created a placeholder component which I add to the modal component. I assumed that I now can create an instance of the modal component and detach only the nested placeholder component.
This unfortunately does not work. The whole modal component is detached and changes in the main compoent are not reflected on the instance anymore because it was detached.
Allowing the user to add content do a component instance would be highly benefitial as it streamlines the process in building designs.
Absolutely right. Laziness and not knowing how to build clean prototypes and composite patterns is a problem for a lot of designers and they resort to wanting a tool that does things that are not realistic.