Our links underline use a different colour to the text, a custom offset value and weight, all available as design tokens. Would be great to be able to use figmas text decoration to apply all those as variables and not have to hack my way around this!
Need to support text-underline-offset & text-decoration-thickness
It would be great to specify them as a fixed length (pixels).
For me, text-underline-offset is P0, text-decoration-thickness is P1.
+1 need wavy and dotted underline style
Hi the new text decoration settings are a great step forward and so close to spot on.
My enhancements requests are:
please can thickness and offset accept variables
please can offset accept ex as a value…and so able to accept a variable with ex as a value
I need a solution for highlight, in the absence of a highlight setting, I hoped underline could be used with a negative % offset and a large % thickness. Unfortunately underline goes covers the text rather than going under it, so I can’t do that! My ask is, please can we get highlight now? 😀 Thanks
Yes, now it is possible. More details:
yeah cheers ive grabbed that. your v2 seems like the best solution atm. Hoping Figma will add soon as a fast follow to the decoration features. Would be nice to apply highlight styling to text without having to use a component with a hack to do it, making applying a highlight within a paragraph much simpler.
It’s great that underlining styles have appeared. I would like to see a dashed