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Thank you figma team for the new list feature! It has been my most anticipated feature for YEARS. There are 2 features that I would love to see to support it.

  1. I believe lists should support paragraph spacing between bullets.

  2. I am unable to start an ordered list at any number other than 1. Which feels too restrictive. I type 2. and start typing and figma changes it to 1.

Does anyone else agree? Is there anything I missed?

I have reported a but, but now I’m not sure if this really is one.

So it seems like you cannot set the spacing independently from you typography? I have to do the adjustment on my global text style. Which actually also makes sense.

I think I was just confused, because changing the decoration e.g. detached it from the global fontsize automatically. So I’ve expexted that this would happen for list spacing as well.

But you just have to know how it is intended to work.

paragraph spacing is not working on bulleted text

This may sound crazy but my work around is to create an individual text box for each bullet point and use auto layout – that gives you a world of freedom.

It’s sad how right you are.

This does not address the issue at all. Seems you didn’t hear the feedback at all.

List spacing does not appear as an option in text styles. Do you know if this will be added? Keeping text styles intact is more important than sacrificing them to have list spacing, so including them in text styles is paramount.

As working in a Design System team, we hope to be able to have our own custom spacing list indent.

Does anyone else agree?

As I also find it was request by others in this thread, so we believe it will be benefit to many. Custom spacing in lists between paragraphs and between numbers/bullets and text - #15 by Lucas_Raphael_Veil

When setting paragraph spacing (and line spacing), it’s often a percentage value of the font size. Line spacing already allows a percentage (e.g. 140%). Paragraph spacing should allow this too (e.g. 100%).

Please implement this! 🙂

Thanks for this, however I have found that when I add space this way it adds space between each line in the bullet, not after each bullet. Is there another way?

It seems there is no way to add spaces after each bullet. Thanks for your feedback and we will share it with your internal team.



Is there any update to this problem @y_toku? Within a design system no spacing between paragraphs is useless and makes styling inconsistent, the opposite of what you want within a system.
