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Overlay with responsive size depending on the browser window

  • New Participant
  • 6 replies

I am trying to build a prototype where the size of the overlay depends on the size of the window. There is a set of overlays. On click of the button I open overlay on the side of the screen

and the height of the overlay needs to follow the height of the window.

First image looks good. The overlay in the second needs to adjust.

Best answer by Alexei

I found a simple solution: 

  1. modal window needs to be placed on the page(s) and hidden;
  2. using variable visibility can be toggled with links/buttons;
  3. the property of the modal window responsive adjustment can be set using Constraints 


View original

  • Community Support
  • July 2, 2024

Hey @Alexei, thanks for reaching out!

It’s not currently possible to create a responsive overlay. Instead, you’ll want to create different overlay sizes to correctly fit the different window sizes. There’s no way to make the overlay responsive or auto-adjust.

  • New Participant
  • July 3, 2024

Is there a way to measure a window resolution in prototype?


I’ve proposed a solution as an idea:

Please upvote.


I just bumped into this limitation as well. The responsive preview mode is really nice, but this limitation kills it for my use case.

  • September 3, 2024

Same problem. Been fighting this on my own for about two hours believing it must be possible, given some of the responsive capabilities in Figma, and other instances that can maintain top and bottom distances from boundairies, etc. Finally gave up hacking and came here to search for the ‘answer’… and this thread is it. Once again, Figma failng at basic common sense ui requirements. Like so many other basic needs it cant do. How did this tool become the darling of businesses, it so handicapped. And now to get a job, you’re expected to be able to use this? Why ? Do I have to know how to use Figma to make things NOT work?

  • 1 reply
  • September 13, 2024

I share the same concern. It would be great if we could address the need for a responsive overlay.

Looking forward to your response!

  • October 11, 2024

Yeah I agree. This feature should be great four our prototypes.


I agree too, this feature should be implemented for prototyping.

+1 on this. It would be very helpful.

  • New Member
  • January 14, 2025

+1, needed for advanced prototyping 


Much needed! Both suggestions by @Peter_Uithoven sound doable. I can also suggest adding a dynamic variables feature (like using formulas, etc.). That would unlock this feature and probably much more. Users could simply set the width and height of the overlay to be equal to the parent frame's, or even use percentages, etc.

By the way, I am confused as to why Figma is not using ratios and percentages. Responsive mobile development relies heavily on these. Auto Layout is great, but not enough. We need the ability to use relative values, etc. These features are must and I am surprised that Figma has not implemented them!


Exact same problem here, we really need a solution for this as there's no way to solve this issue when you are trying to do User Testing and the screen size of the participants is unpredictable. 

Igor Goncharenko

Requesting this feature for future updates.

  • New Participant
  • January 29, 2025

I found a simple solution: 

  1. modal window needs to be placed on the page(s) and hidden;
  2. using variable visibility can be toggled with links/buttons;
  3. the property of the modal window responsive adjustment can be set using Constraints 



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