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I’m trying to select multiple difference objects within a frame. Previously I could hold shift and click on the different elements I wanted to select. Ever since this multi-edit feature came out, I’m no longer able to do that.

Does anyone know how I can get my “multi-select” back?

I am adding my voice too

If i’m not mistaken, they’ve removed it and combined it with the multi-select feature. Normally, I’m using that because I have my layers interconnected so I don’t really need the multi-select feature that much.

So, I guess I have to adapt again to the update 😅

I can still select multiple items by holding shift, its pretty essential. What I’m missing is the ‘Target’ selection that was available in components with variants, underneath the selection like the + to add variant. It was very useful as it was a normal selection, which could be manipulated - so if I wanted to unselect a few I could. Now that is kind of impossible

I love this feature, but I also absolutely need a way to disable it or revert back to the usual select! This feature has awesome use cases that I’m already utilizing, but also it’s broken a LOT of my workflow especially with aligning/distributing objects across different groups. A button somewhere to just, select items as usual would make this feature perfect for me!

need help please~~~~SOS

I add my voice in this too, I’m losing a lot of productivity as I don’t have the target selection in component instances. The new multi edit selection don’t let me unselect items, so in the end I have to go manually selecting the items I need to change.

Hey All, thanks for the feedback!

This was indeed changed with the launch of multi-edit, but we’ve passed this thread along to our team to fix and make the experience more frictionless.

I was going to create a thread about an issue I’m having but I’ll post here first. I’m having issues selecting multiple items to edit. I can do everything just fine in the playground but in my personal files, I always get a “No matching layers to select on page” message. Even if I DUPLICATE a component or layer I still get the message. What parameters need to be met in order for the multi-edit to work?

Same here. I’m so confused about which items I can and cannot use multi-edit on. Any time I select one of many layers with the same name and try to cmd+opt A, it says “No matching layers to select on page”. This is just flat-out not even working in my opinion.

Attached a screenshot. Is there any reason I should not expect to be able to use cmd+opt A on these Photo Card layers??

If i copy interaction and want to paste it i cant select same layers and paste interaction to them, i can only at first select layer than click multiedit button, and than make interaction, from all selected layers to another layer. but what if i already created interaction, and than want to paste to all selected by multiediting button layers? i cant do this, i need to select one layer by one and paste

Hey All, thank you again for your feedback!

Our team launched a fix for this. Please refresh your tabs and let us know if you run into any further issues.

add opportunity to select all same layers in frame where layer is, with multi edit we cant select same instances in frame, only selected layer in other frames

this is because you, the same as i, tried to find all instances in one frame by clicking multi select option, but this option work only for selected instance if it is in any other frame, but do not find same layers that is inside frame where selected layer in. this is a flaw in the Figma


Same here, I can’t use the " Select matching layers" within a frame (which I think is something expected and I’ll love to be able to do it).

ah. Yeah, I completely misunderstood the intention of multi-edit. I was anticipating that the new cmd+opt A shortcut would just select ALL occurrences. I don’t know why we wouldn’t want that. That said, “Select with same variant” still does the job.

I’m a bit confused. What kind of fix was launched for this? I haven’t noticed the behavior change.

Please bring back the old functionality. This has massively slowed my productivity.

Holding and dragging Command + Shift to select nested components within different frames no longer works. Massive disappointment.

Hey @Jon_Thomas, sorry for the confusion!

The fix was for the issue flagged in the original topic:

“I’m trying to select multiple difference objects within a frame. Previously I could hold shift and click on the different elements I wanted to select. Ever since this multi-edit feature came out, I’m no longer able to do that.

Does anyone know how I can get my “multi-select” back?”

The team launched a fix to bring back multi-selection.

Hey @Shawn13,

When was the last time you refreshed your tabs? The team launched a fix for this two days ago.

I refreshed my tabs and restarted the app entirely yesterday and I’m still not getting a fix for this.

Hey @JPress, sorry to hear that!

Is this happening in the browser as well? What OS are you using? Can you try clearing your desktop app’s cache to see if that helps?

Here’s how to clear the desktop app cache on a Mac:

  1. Quit the Figma desktop app

  2. Open and enter the following command: rm -rf “$HOME/Library/Application Support/Figma/”{Desktop,DesktopProfile}

  3. Try opening the desktop app again

Here’s how to clear the desktop app cache on Windows:

  1. Close the Figma desktop app

  2. Open the Start menu, and paste in this, followed by enter: %APPDATA%\Figma

  3. In the window that opens, delete the Desktop and DesktopProfile folders if they exist

  4. Launch the desktop app again

@dvaliao I’m on OS Sonoma 14.4. I’m on a time crunch right now, but will check to see if the issue is happening in the browser, and will try clearing the cache when I have time a bit later. Will follow up with you here. Thank you!!

Did as said in Mac. Feature still not working.

Sorry to hear that, @Somnath_Nabajja!

Please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with so they can take a closer look.

Strange behavior

The feature is working if your elements are in frames (first level) but not in groups.

If you select the element that is in a group you’ll see the message

No matching layers to select on page

and the button “Select matching layers” on top just disappear

Video Preview (YouTube)


If you select an element that’s in a frame/group that is in another frame/group this just also doesn’t work properly.
