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Will there be a way for exporting all variables so that I can hand off to my developers?

If this exists already, how to do it?

The Figma Studio Plugin allows to download a JSON file with all the token definitions. I wonder if I could have the same for my devs.

The feature Dev Mode allows you to see which variables have been implemented while selecting a component. However, developers in my team would like a full list of these variables definitions.

Thank you so much for these new updates! Great work. I am fascinated with these new features. Love Love Love!

Hey @AC_Design,

Thanks for reaching out!

There is currently no plugin or feature to do this. As you said, it’s only possible to export a JSON file with all the token definitions at the moment (with plugins). Still, variables are quite new and we’re working on a lot of new updates/features for it (just like Dev Mode) to cover all the community needs and Variables export is one of them.

I have shared your feedback with our Product team to give it more visibility and although I can’t share an ETA for this or guarantee it will be implemented, I can confirm it will taken into consideration 😃

In the meantime, as a workaround, you could create a file regrouping all the different variables so your developers could click them all via Dev Mode but depending on how many variables you use, it might not be ideal.

Thx @mfelix! There are a couple plugins already in the market that help do the job - not great tho. Looking forward Figma’s approach!

take care <3

Which one? I’m interested and I don’t find it. 🙂

I’m looking forward to future updates from Figma here. For variables to truly be useful and close the gap between design and dev, there needs to be a way for developers to view a list of all of the variables within a design system. This is a very critical feature that appears to be missing, which causes a lot of unnecessary manual work.

Yes please, this is highly needed.

Desperately needed. Handing over to devs now and it hurts!

Do we have an answer for this query after this new Figma update?

Any updates on this? A lot of AI chenanigans but this seems to be left in the dark. It’s already a big letdown that Variables-sync with API is only available for Enterprise teams …

To hand off variables/tokens to developers, securely share them via a secure method like environment variables, a secrets management tool, or a secure vault. Avoid sharing tokens directly in code or unencrypted formats. Ensure developers know the correct usage and any necessary permissions for those tokens.
