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Figma keeps saying I’m offline and that it’s not syncing any changes, even when I have very fast and consistent internet connection (Zoom, Slack, CreativeCloud all work fine). And what’s strange is that it’s only for one project at a time. I have four different projects open and the others are syncing fine. And it’s not always the same project that has trouble syncing. Last week it was a different one that wasn’t syncing. Figma is up-to-date as well.

I have had this issue for a week now and it’s incredibly frustrating. Any solutions?

I am having this problem on a really critical prototype that needs to go live next week. Other projects are open and work fine. It won’t even let me Save to .fig, just endless spinner. How can this still not be fixed?!

1. Can you check and confirm if you see the same problem in any other browsers you have on your computer? Our supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

2. Does this also happen on another network, like a mobile hotspot?

If it’s just happening on one network, you may need to adjust your proxy VPN or firewall settings as shown in Adjust your network settings or speak to your IT Admins or ISP. Generally for problems affecting a single network we’re not able to troubleshoot as it would require access to your system or network settings.

If these don’t work, could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:

Thanks for your understanding.

I might have found a fix

If you’re using Chrome and you’re just stuck on the endless loading screen when opening a Figma file it might be an issue with one of your Chrome plugins. I was having the same issue on Figma and realized that I was also stuck on endless loading screens when trying to watch YouTube videos. I ended up disabling some old Chrome plugins and my issue was fixed.

Hopefully this helps!

Thanks for sharing the useful information!

I am still having the same issue
