Oh wow, the new conditional logic & variables are great! I’m hacking it out since yesterday. Any ideas on how to make something random? For e.g. I want to randomly navigate to a screen based on a chance (80/20, 50/50, etc).
Let’s say I have a “Pay now” button, and few screens:
- Payment confirmation screen
- Payment error screen
- Generic error or unsupported case
I want to tell my prototype, that every time when I hit the “Pay now” button, there will be a 70% chance it will go to the success screen, a 20% error, and a 10% generic error.
That would save a lot of duplication for my screens and sections.
Otherwise, do you have any idea how to work with prototypes like this? I tried new Variables and Modes (e.g. I have error mode, success mode, but still experimenting on it)
Random isn’t supported just yet, but I’ll bubble this over to the team! There are some hacks you can do to simulate this, i.e. timers, but none that are great solutions.
And we’ve launched! You can now create multiple actions for triggers as part of our advanced prototyping launch. You can read all about how to leverage variables for conditionals, as well as how to go above and beyond and use them alongside multiple actions.