LAUNCHED: Prototyping: Allow multiple actions for a trigger
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Currently, Figma only allows to select one action for a trigger in prototyping. This means that when applying e.g. an “On Click” trigger to an element, it’s not possible to have multiple actions (like showing two overlays) when the element is clicked. By allowing to add multiple actions to a trigger, prototyping would get much more powerful and useful!
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I faced this issue when I wanted to show a notification that automatically appears and disappears after using a specific action (e.g. create, delete an element).
Currently, you would have to build many screens to imitate this behaviour. If multiple actions would be allowed, it would be much simpler and efficient to create such flows. In my example, it would be set up like this:
Show an overlay on click → delay → show another overlay → delay → close the overlay
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(e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.
I assume that there are also multiple other use cases when more actions are needed for a single trigger on an element. It would be awesome if somebody who stumbled across this issue would describe their use cases as well!
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Hello all! I would like to ask if Figma allows multiple actions for a trigger.
For example: as an action I have checkbox group and in depend of what combination of selection you will make I want to present different screens. Do you know, if this is possible?
Its useless to create prototypes if you cant demonstrate the a button changes color and open a drop-down for instance in the same action.
I will love this feature. Please add it! +1
yes thats a +1 from me
absolutely +1! Having experienced same kind of issue several times <3
I agree…for example if you wanted to click a checkbox so you change from inactive to active properties on a component and but doing so also makes another button active you cannot do that without swapping the entire frame instead of variances of another component. If we could link multiple on-click interactions and swap variances/instances this would handle a wide range of interactions and would reduce all the duplication of frames. However, I am not talking about carbon copying what Axure does but it is very similar only much easier because of how easily you can chain interactions together in Figma.
This would literally be all you would need to create almost 90% of major interactions that I have seen in the field of UX. Other more complicated interactions I get may be outside the scope of this product but having the ability to have multiple on-click interactions on the same element/component would be a huge game changer. Instead of the hard work to fake an interaction or create a bunch of different frames.
+1 for this, please
Came here to request the same thing!
Tried to hack this with components and variants but simply if I can click an input field have it change state and also open an overlay (dropdown) the prototype experience would be massively improved.
+1 critical and basic feature - please at least let us know you hear us, figma
yes the lack of this feature is very annoying
I want to have the input text change and a keyboard popup at the same time. This would be perfect.
+1 for this
+1 Also need this, missing this in Adobe XD
Yes! +1 Need this
I need this too! Im currently struggling with this and dont want to start all over again to have the animation
Need it also
Came here to see how to do this and found I couldn’t! I also need this feature!
This is so important, having such a difficult time finding workaround with this limitation. Often I need to change the click component and then change another part of the screen and navigate to is not sufficient.
Need this feature! I cannot properly prototype a fairly basic PDP or FAQ experience.
What I need to do:
Sticky TOC / jump nav bar – user clicks a link
Link changes to active state
“Scroll to” further down page
Collapsed accordion expands
I tried creating an interactive components hoping that the protoype set up at the component level would persist within the frame, BUT it doesn’t 😢 The “click” action in the frame overrides the component-level prototyping.
This is Figma-engineering. WHY would you not allow either multiple same actions or one action but resulting in many changes throughout different components… it’s like you were thinking of this idea and IMMEDIATELY this another idea would popup and being a developer or a project manager of Figma, you would generally want it in the next release ASAP. BUT NO…
Hello. I have a need – in creating an anchor navigation bar – to have a one-click interaction that would perform both a “change to” and a “scroll to” actions.
I envision this being set up so that either you have:
Click /change to] Active State cbutton state] AND scroll to] [anchor frame selected]
Click /change to] Active State cbutton state] AND After Delay Ascroll to] [anchor frame selected]
I hope this makes sense. I look forward to any questions or feedback. Cheers.
Yeah, it’s already been suggested many times.
I used Axure for prototyping at my last job, and I cannot even begin to express how much I miss the power of that tool. I’m not sure you can even call Figma a prototyping application with all of the crazy limitations.
Please fix this!
I would like to have “mouse enter/hover” to show a popup/overlay
And “click” to navigate to another frame.
UXPIN does this really simply… would be the icing on the cake for Figma to be able to have multiple actions… close then show… would save us having to duplicate screens and what not… really would love a show/hide on scroll position too… brilliant for minimised headers…