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  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this

Currently, Figma only allows to select one action for a trigger in prototyping. This means that when applying e.g. an “On Click” trigger to an element, it’s not possible to have multiple actions (like showing two overlays) when the element is clicked. By allowing to add multiple actions to a trigger, prototyping would get much more powerful and useful!

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

I faced this issue when I wanted to show a notification that automatically appears and disappears after using a specific action (e.g. create, delete an element).

Currently, you would have to build many screens to imitate this behaviour. If multiple actions would be allowed, it would be much simpler and efficient to create such flows. In my example, it would be set up like this:

Show an overlay on click → delay → show another overlay → delay → close the overlay

  1. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation

    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.

I assume that there are also multiple other use cases when more actions are needed for a single trigger on an element. It would be awesome if somebody who stumbled across this issue would describe their use cases as well!

Once again just ran into the need of having multiple interactions on the same actions (Example, On Button Click > Close Modal and Swap Radio Instance to Selected)

This is the biggest feature that I need. Multiple triggers of the same type on one component that do synchronous or a-synchronous actions. I understand that this may reduce Figma’s simplicity - but the benefits for veteran users will be phenomenal!

Example could be - when creating a trigger of the same type (on click for instance), it will group them together. You could select the group and it may have an options for synchronicity of the actions. Imagine you have a map application prototype and there is a button called “zoom to location” - which will have 2 on-click triggers.

  • 1st on click - ‘Scroll to’ which scrolls to the scroll-to element on the map in the frame

  • 2nd on click - ‘Open overlay’ which opens an overlay on the frame, displaying the location details.

Stretch goal:

If set as Synchronous - which will first scroll, and then open overlay after scroll has finished.

If set as A-Synchronous - it will scroll and open overlay at the same time

P.S. I am prototyping this at the moment and having a very difficult time doing this without hacking a bunch of screens. Very easy to do in Axure, but we are using Figma at the current workplace.

This would be so useful for advanced prototyping. Please add this feature!

I also am coming from Axure and this is a HUGE issue for me right now working on a mobile app prototype. If we could get conditional interactions like Axure that would be PERFECT.

Please, add this feature!

Agree, I have a problem creating multiple interactions on the same action. For example, when I create a “tap” interaction, I want it to change it to a variant and at the same time scroll to the section that I want. I can’t do that without making many frames!

Thy would Definitely be a GREAT feature, enabling much more realistic prototypes. I have at least 2 projects right now where I’d use it.

Axure was already able to do multiple interactions on one trigger more than a decade ago. I really do wonder why Figma still can’t do this. It would be so helpful in many projects.

Figma is an awesome piece of software. But in this regard Axure is KILLING you with unlimited actions per click. I REALLY need multiple actions per click… it’s very easy to make nice pages and layouts in Figma but very hard to prototype complex interactions.

No need to over-complexify the discussion… multiple actions per trigger. It’s a simple concept and is available in Axure and has been for a long time…

In point of fact… the main selling point of Axure as prominently displayed at the top of their homepage in size 300 point type is:

Infinite Interactions, Unlimited Power!

THIS is exactly the kinds of interactions I am talking about.

In Axure it’s really easy to do the following:

Click → Close Dropdown overlay, Load new background overlay, Pause 500ms, display loading overlay, Pause 2000ms (while loading animation runs), Close loading overlay, and display new data result overlay.

It can all happen on the same screen without the need for long chains of steps/pages manually created to “fake” the same thing.

Checking in… not having this is very limiting. Multiple “after delay” triggers would let me rig up a timed animation (thing appears, animation happens, thing disappears)

It’s actually quite amazing that this hasn’t been solved yet - such a basic prototyping feature. like currently I am prototyping selecting an item in a table, and seeing the row state change and additionally the detail change - software has multiple effects from a trigger all the time, how is this request over a year old now?

Yes, this is a biggie, and haven’t found a workaround (such as on click AND on mouse up).

While workarounds exist (e.g. creating a new component from the page, instantiating it when I want a transition between a loading state and a loaded state) they are tedious and pollute the designs with basically the same parts that only serve the purpose of fixing this.

It is hard to prototype even simple interactions such as:

  • open a pop-up dialog (overlay) from a menu (which is also an overlay)

  • transition to a loading state, wait 2 seconds, transition to a success state of a component

Please Figma, make this happen!

let’s make it happen Fig, much needed feature

I haven’t read all of the responses, and not sure this is directly relevant or related to the initial post.

Re: ability to trigger multiple actions from one trigger event.

Alt Ask…

Ability to trigger other components from a trigger action.

  • I spent years using Axure for prototyping and LOVED LOVED LOVED the ability to have one object control the state or actions of another object. Can Figma enable one component to trigger / change the state or variant shown, in another component - ideally any component living in the same parent frame - including nested frames, nested components.

I’m assuming it would be difficult to tell a component to change it’s state (Variant shown) and then set a component property…but WOW that would be great.

This was done in Axure by calling an action, setting a “Wait = 1 second” and then you could tell the same object that was just changed, to do something (like load a video, open an accordion, set an element of that object to a specific state. etc)

A real feel example would be on click show overlay,

On click of CTA in overlay, close overlay

and add “a text string” to a text field"

Next obvious step would be to pass variables. “OOOOH I CAN"T WAIT”

No! And yes, I too would love this!

Wondering why Axure fell out of favor… It did some amazing stuff!

Sigh. Me too regarding this basic feature request from 2021.

A clear weakness vs. Axure…please add, thank you!

upvoting this - needed for overlay and changing background opacity at the same time

+1 Need this for a dropdown to navigate to a different screen and initialize the dropdown to default.

I would benefit from this feature as well.