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I am currently searching for a way to present my prototypes in a “laptop/mac/screen” device. However in the prototypedevice dropdown I see no option for it.

is there a way to have a “TV” as device for example? Or a “Macbook”, or a “Monitor” or a “Custom-Device” ? If not that would be cool to include sometime.


I would love to have the options to configure the prototype settings more to my needs:

  • Combine a custom size with touch or no touch

  • Seeing the device in the prototype is a bonus. But it does not have to look like a specific brand.

  • Save my custom sizes

Right now i am planning to big projects for a general tablet view, where it is critical that i can judge the size of the clickpoints. We still use the widest used resoluttion 1024 x 768px. And that is not on the list.

Hi, Gleb! Which device is exactly “Android Large”?

Adding custom devices or at least having the touch cursor for custom sizes would be great!

Same! I’m making a prototype of a museum interactive that will be set within a 30’’ touch screen monitor.

I work in the education space and would love to have the various Chromebook resolutions as a device.

@Figma_Support ?

We almost NEVER use Devices in prototype because we design for multiple sizes in the same Figma pages and it is not possible to set up different devices per flow… This is a crucial feature to make realistic prototypes!
