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I’ve been waiting interactive component access member for 4 days. A person or a team who can handle my issue, could you give me access for interactive component as soon as possible please.

Hey @Sergio_Pimentel,

You can learn how to turn it on for your file here.

Hey @Loralee,

The team adds small batches of users every 3-5 business days. You’ll be notified once you’ve been given access.

Yeah that is what I seen on others screen. But it somehow don’t show on mine. I been using figma for 3 months and have a good design. Then I say I was able to use interactive components and I looked it up and enrolled and got acepted. But when I go back. It does not appear there.

Nvm, I figured it out base on what I found on the link. Thx

Hi! I’ve submitted a request to the google form for a week, I still have no email respond. I don’t know if it’s possible for student’s account. Can somoene help me please? Thanks

Hey @Elime @Loralee @Celia_BERNARD,

Thanks for your patience! I just checked your accounts, and you should all have access now. Please review the help article above to learn how to turn it on for your file.

Hi, how long it will take to be part of the beta pleassse???

(i’m so excited)

Thanks a lot!

I filled the forum.can you please review the request as soon as possible?

because I am an undergraduate student at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology and I have a project to complete for my end semester exam.

Hey @Antoine_Biesmans @Mahesh_Bawantha,

I just checked both of your accounts, and you should have access now. Please review the help article above to learn how to turn it on for your file. Also, please keep in mind that it’s not completely stable, as it is still beta. We do not recommend relying on it for critical projects.

Thank you for accepting my request.

I filled the forum.can you please review the request as soon as possible?

because I am an undergraduate student at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology and I have a project to complete for my end semester exam.

I filled the forum.can you please review the request as soon as possible?

because I am an undergraduate student at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology and I have a project to complete for my end semester exam.

I filled the forum.can you please review the request as soon as possible?

because I am an undergraduate student at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology and I have a project to complete for my end semester exam.

Hello, I recently requested access to interactive components beta for my account. I know access takes a few days, but I have an urgent project where I need to use interactive components. Any expediting of my request would be greatly appreciated

I would love to beta test this new feature… I have requested access… any idea how long it will take? Thanks!

Hello. I did not receive letter on mail with confirmation beta version. I wait for the second week. Who can help me?

Hey @Vihanga @Lahiru_chandika @Kavindya_Chamodi @sandhini @John_Wong @Victoria3,

The team normally adds new users in batches every 3-5 business days, depending on how many new requests they have. You should all have access now though. Please refer to the article above to turn it on for your file. And again, since this is a beta, it’s not stable and I wouldn’t rely on it for critical projects.

Hello, can anyone please accept my interactive component access request? I need it asap for my project but I haven’t gotten any reply yet. Thank you so much!

So it’s Framer vs Figma week, I luvvvv Figma so much it’s a game changer for my workflow! But I desperately urgently need the ‘interactive components beta’ access for a presentation to convert our organisation to Figma before we lose the opportunity to demo its full super powers…i’ve registed but not had it granted yet??

Continuing the discussion from [Interactive components access request]

Hello Darren Lee, i’m sorry to say that i recieved an e-mail confirming i have access to Creative Components Beta But i still cannot use it in my figma files. The button Change to is still grey and when i click on button “Show prototype settings” my object just becomes deselected and prototype settings changes to 2 groups: Device and Background.

I signed up for the beta a week ago and have not received an email or access yet either. Please include me in that next batch. Our organization uses Figma but in a new role here, I’m looking at Framer X for us. I would like to get my hands on this new feature as it would help close that gap a bit on the prototyping side. Thanks.

It’s been over 5 business days I applied for interactive component and am yet to get a reply.

Kindly help out to enable me continue my work.

Hey @Ardie @Jimmy1 @pr1or @Mike_Cassie @Chinedu,

I just check your accounts, & you should all already have access. Please review this help article to ensure it’s turned on for your file.

Thanks for getting to that so quickly @dvaliao. The UI to turn this on is not showing up for me. I’ve tried logging out and back in, reloading tabs, in the browser and desktop client and trying creating new files. Is there a chance this takes some time to propagate?

Thanks for the approval!