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I’ve been waiting interactive component access member for 4 days. A person or a team who can handle my issue, could you give me access for interactive component as soon as possible please.

Hey @Denis_Davydov,

The team adds users in batches every 3-5 business days. You should have access by end of day tomorrow.

Can you please make sure that I’m on the list?

I sent a request to get the Interactive Component Beta but I haven’t got it. Please help me check it. My account is sredacted].

Hi @dvaliao! I applied for the beta 3 days ago. I would need to use the interactive components for a business project. You would save my life! Thank you. <3


I have filled the form quite a while ago now, and have even attempted re-filling it a few times in the hopes that I would be given access to the beta - to no avail.

Is there something I am missing? Will the interactive components beta be released to other users soon?

Kindly let me know, I wish to be able to demonstrate my new UI with full potential to my workplace eventually and interactive components would be the best way to go!

Thank you in advance,


Got my beta update!

Thanks a lot @ksn and everyone! 🙂

Hi! I tried to subscribe to the beta almost 2 months ago and still didn’t here back from you guys. Can you check if I’m on the list ?

Thanks a lot

@dvaliao @Josh Hello, I have applied for the interactive components beta version 3 days back. It would be great if I get access soon. The weekend is coming. Wish it doesn’t get delayed further.

Hi there,

As people above, I’ve requested access to the beta last week, was wondering if you can check it out.

Got the checkbox appearing now though, but can’t check it.

Thanks in advance, have a good day

Hi @dvaliao! Help me, please! I requested the beta 7 days ago, but I haven’t received an email

Hi, I’m waiting too, more or less 10 days, for the access to beta. Can someone say me if I’m on the list? @dvaliao @ksn

Hi, like a lot of others on this thread I submitted my request to join the beta two weeks ago, but have not had any confirmation yet that I’ve been accepted into the beta - and can’t see any option within Figma to turn them on/off, so I’ve not been added but not notified either.

I’ve used the interactive components before under a different account whist working at a different organisation, so very keen to get this up and running on my current Figma account - having sung the praises of interactive components to my new colleagues!

Any update would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @dvaliao @Josh !

Like the others, I made a request a few days ago for the beta of the interactive components and I would like to know when I will have access to the beta. Thank you very much and have a great weekend!

Hey @Denis_Davydov @Martina_Bergonzoni @Thierry_Le_Moulec @Niva_Palaniswamy @Jeremie2 @ilnur_ganiev @Roberto_Coladomenico @junhong_liu @Martunn04 @Marc4 @D_ng_Dinh_Vu,

I checked all of your accounts, & you should already have access now. Here’s a help article to ensure that you turn on interactive components for the file(s) you’re working on.

Hello, I’ve been requesting the beta for months 😦 and no e-mail received to join.

Can @dvaliao or @ksn one of you help me?

Hey @Alexandre_Soares,

You should have access now. Please review the help article above to turn it on for your file. Have a great weekend!

Hi @dvaliao, I’m also wondering when I will get access to the interactive components feature. I’m really excited to use it in my current project. Can you help? I submitted requests last week through the google form

Yes! me too @dvaliao . I have requested access several times but no confirmation has been received. I am really wanting to work with the interactive components!

I would love help too.

Thank you soooo much! Figma is awesome!

Hi @Josh

I requested for the beta version a week ago, haven’t received any email yet. can you please add me on the list.

Hey @Josh I asked access for the beta version about 1 week ago or more.

But I haven’t received any email confirmation.

Hi, like a lot of others on this thread I submitted my request to join the beta two weeks ago, but have not had any confirmation yet that I’ve been accepted into the beta - and can’t see any option within Figma to turn them on/off, so I’ve not been added but not notified either.

I’ve used the interactive components before under a different account whist working at a different organisation, so very keen to get this up and running on my current Figma account - having sung the praises of interactive components to my new colleagues!

Any update would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @josh, I am very excited about the interactive component function. 4 days ago I signed up for the Beta version, but i never received any mail 🙁 ? Can you help me with it?


Hi @Josh

I’ve requested the beta for 5 days ago but received no confirmation. Is this something you could check at all? Thank you.

I’ve been waiting for the member to access the interactive component for 2 weeks. One person or a group can handle my issues, you can give me access to the earliest interaction possible. Thanks

Hi again,

I am now getting contradictory information -

One says interactive components beta is open to all and provides link to sign up (which I and many other have apparently done).

Today, I get a message from Figma help with this link:

Figma Help Center

The link says that the interactive components beta is a “closed beta”, yet at the same time states

" Join the beta

The beta is available to all Figma users regardless of team or plan. You can request access to the interactive components beta"

and provides the link to sign up.

So, are we still able to be a part? If not, when is interactive components going live for all?

Thank you so much!