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When I apply a string variable to text, it attaches, and then when I unclick the element (or sometimes when I change variable mode) it detaches itself.

I use variables for translations. So when I switch mode to another language, phrases are changed, but when I switch back, some of the variables stay in the previous language. So there’s an illusion of the feature working at first, and then it gets bugged.

happened to me too. In my case, some of the text are works fine, but some are error like that.

Hey Anna - thank you for flagging this! It looks like a bug that our engineering team is currently investigating.

Please reach out to the support team so we can investigate it further here:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with so they can take a closer look. Thank you!

The same issue occurs for me too.

Would be nice to have it fixed since it makes using string variables pretty much un-usable.

Still experiencing same issues.

Same problem

It depends on how the component is made. For us it doesn’t work for some buttons, because they have editable text. Im not sure how that works (Im not the author of our components), but it seems to be “its a feature, not a bug” kind of situation.

How is this not solved? Makes string variables for multi language stuff utterly unusable for us. What a travesty

Hey @Vincent_Filter - I can’t speak for your specific design instance, but I do apologize if variables haven’t been functional enough for your needs. It’s hard for me to provide additional comment on this, since a lot is dependent on how your team uses variables.

However, I do see you have a support ticket filed, and that it’s queued up to be responded to soon.

Just a note for you and anyone else that comes across this topic: since this is an older/outdated one, I’m going to close it out, so that newer info gets surfaced.

@Vincent_Filter please feel free to open a new one related to this if you’d like to share additional feedback.