Z-index property that is independent from Auto Layout


No possibility of dropdowns is pretty embarrassing.

Z index would be very useful in auto layout

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+1 for this :+1:

We’re approaching the 3 year mark on this issue, so we can perhaps look forward to a Mod message soon saying they read it.

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@Figma_Moderation you have already been pinged on this thread, can we have a feedback from the product team at Figma please ?

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Please @figma prioritise this issue.


+1 for this :pray:

This is sad that this idea has been open for years without development. Adding a z-index to the position pane that is configurable seems like it would be relatively easy to add, and it would have a huge impact.


It’s pretty crazy that Figma decided to “revamp” the UI but ignored to fix an actual problem that could improve a lot of people’s workflows.

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+1 !

Since after 3 years there’s no answer from Figma_Moderation, trying @Figma_Team :person_shrugging:

At the very least, an aknowledgement that this issue as been seen would be nice.

Will add my voice here that trying to create components with auto layouts as part of our design system and the lack of some way to create a z index /overlapping seriously hampers ability to make functional components that the rest of the team can use without detaching instances so they can fake a dropdown menu etc.