I have Frame A, which contains Frame B. Basically, Frame B is a header and Frame A is the entire webpage. I want the header (Frame B) to remain fixed as the user scrolls down the “webpage” (Frame A).
I have vertical scrolling enabled for Frame A, but no matter what I do I cannot get “fix position when scrolling” to show up for Frame B, and in the prototype as I scroll, Frame B scrolls up too and disappears.
I have tried changing the scrolling behavior of Frame B to no scroll and vertical scrolling, neither of which work. Frame B was a component, so I detached the instance to make it simply a frame, and that didn’t work either. I feel like in the past I’ve been able to successfully do this so I’m not sure why it’s so hard now.
What can I do to achieve this?
Also design suggestion for Figma; can you make “fix position when scrolling” appear at all times and simply be disabled rather than disappearing entirely from the UI? If it had a tooltip explaining the issue when disabled this would be even better. It’s hard to debug when you’re not sure if the element will even appear or not.
Thanks for the help!