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Typography variables feedback

  1. Let users set a variable value in %. It is useful for line-height (also for border radius 😈)
  2. Add typography related items to Number scoping

22 replies

  • 1 reply
  • April 17, 2024

First of all I want to emphasize that I am very happy with the newly released typography variables! Here’s just a couple of variable related improvements I think would help make working with them a bit easier.

1. Change column width in Variables overview: Currently it’s not possible to drag the columns to change the width, within the variables overview modal. This would be great to allow seeing full variable names as sometimes they are longer than the fixed width of the first column.
2. Scoping for typography variables: Now when I have a Number variable, I can’t scope to to only show when determining typography related values like a line height or font size.
3. Moving a set of variables into a different collection: I’ve currently placed the different levels of variables into 3 collections for the different levels (1. Primitives, 2. Semantic, 3. Component). I want to move them into the same collection so I only have to set one mode per page to apply the right mode (Brand A, Brand B). Now I have to do this per collection (twice, in my case), even though the values are the same (Brand A, Brand B). Alternative could be somehow combining modes with the same name.

Curious if any of these are upcoming/on the radar.

  • 2 replies
  • April 17, 2024

I agree about the scoping it needs to be a fast follow.


+100 Was about to post the same feedback. It took me a bit to figure out that I needed to keep “Show all…” checked in order to use my type vars at all.


The lack of proper scoping for Typography variables is a HUGE oversight. I don’t know how Variables can come out of beta with this feature lacking. Just doesn’t make any sense.

Please add scoping for Typography variables!!!

Also, we need percentage-based line-height variables. 🙏


Percentage based values ASAP. It would speed up the workflow, you could just set a couple of line height variables (eg. 100%, 120%, 150%, …) and apply them to various font sizes. Right now if you have multiple font sizes you need a pixel based line-height value for each size 😔

100% agree on the scoping here. I cant get line height variable to show unless its set to all. Ideally as a quick fix if Figma could at least get numerics tied to at least a width or gap scope so they aren’t showing up everywhere.

Reiterate though, this was a great release! Really appreciate the drive and approach on how to apply this down through modes to breakpoints, this shows some good thought and understanding the scenarios out there.

  • 2 replies
  • April 19, 2024

Same feedback! Glad I found this thread 🙂

  • 2 replies
  • April 19, 2024

Tried to add % as a string which also didn’t work because it’s a # field


Oddly enough, there seems to be some kind of smart detection going on with line height variables solely based on the presence of the words “line” and/or “height” in the variable name. See screenshot showing line height variables “properly” scoped.


Another issue with variable support in text styles is paragraph spacing. You can bind paragraph spacing to a variable, but you have to turn on “Show in all supported properties” rather than just turning on “Text content” for the variable’s scope. I generally want to set the paragraph spacing to the same variable as the font size, but I don’t want to see those variables everywhere.


Agreed with all feedback here.
+1 to % line height and scoping support - kinda baffling these aren’t included already.

Additional feedback:

Our design system relies on variable fonts - that immediately makes # values for Weight variables useless for us because we need to dictate weight, width, slant, etc.

Additionally, none of our default combinations of weight + width correlate to any of the presets that came with the font. E.g. These “unnamed” styles shown in the picture.

So far I haven’t figured out any kind of syntax for string variables to make these “unnamed” weights work. If anyone has figured it out please share your solution!


Seems that for the free viewer account there is no way to see the value of the text variable. On the image below for the color there are variable name and variable value. For the font — name only.



I am designing a mobile app to align with iOS and Android device accessibility settings that scale text to seven different sizes. Extending the variable mode limit to seven instead of four for the Organization plan would be very helpful in creating mockups to show how text scales for the different accessibility settings.

It shouldn’t cost extra to design for accessibility.

i came here looking for this exact question


Do you have any problems with performance when I bind a variable to a text style? When I delete, it takes me a few seconds to remove. I’ve tested with other objects (graphics, shapes, etc.), and there are no problems but text.
Then I remove all the text variables and improve the speed of deleting text properties.


Percentages: I can’t second this enough! Being able to work in percentages is essential to modern web design and addressing this would close a major gap between design and dev.

Root Size: It’s great that Dev Mode offers the ability to view in rem, but not all frameworks use a base of 16px. It would be so powerful to be able to pair variables with rems. Let us choose the root size and specify other sizes by rem! This would be so powerful and eliminate a ton of rework to scale all components due to a modified base.

  • New Member
  • 22 replies
  • May 31, 2024

what @Rae_Gibbs2 said!
So much of ‘modern web design’ is working with relative numbers (rem, em, %) and not absolutes (px).

A couple UX suggestions:

  1. in the fon-size dropdown, make the variable ‘hexagon’ option be the first option. It’s irritating to no end, having to scrolldown 300x a day the long list of default size options just to get to the option to use variables. Ends up being faster/easier to just type the size needed and not use a variable.
  2. after I selected a variable as a font-size (I clearly have opted to work within a set of vars), the font-size dropdown should only display my font-size variables (scoping) and have a ‘custom size’ at the bottom of the list.

Gotta say, every release is a mixed bag. On one hand supper happy to be able to use font-sizes, but on the other, implementation is an alpha or so half-assed to the point that makes its more difficult to use the anticipated feature and then you just stop using the feature because its too much hassle. There, vented.

+1 for supporting % values
+1 for being able to adjust the column widths in the Variables modal
+1 for being able to move existing variables to a different collection

Adding a couple pieces of my own feedback (for context, my team manages the Design System for our organization):

  • Being able to add a code syntax for variables is so useful—particularly for colors, but it doesn’t seem quite as smooth for typography variables yet. Also, my engineering team uses mixins for our type styles, so consuming developers shouldn’t actually be referencing the individual properties or applying those manually. Ideally, in the dev mode inspect panel, we’d be able to override the individual typography properties & just show the mixin & utility class they should be consuming. So perhaps, in addition to being able to add a code syntax, being able to turn others off as well—along with adding something custom like a utility class—would be useful?


There is a constant battle I am facing where I want to use ‘Local variables’, but Figma is kind of blocking me from making it useful without having to set ‘Local styles’. Aside from line-height, as it is not possible to set a percentage value (please fix), everything else can be prepared in ‘Local variables’, but afterwards, I am forced to create ‘Local styles’ to actually have a quick shortcut to apply and remember these settings, e.g. for h1, h2, body, and so on. I wish it would be possible not to set ‘Local styles’ but instead set these through the ‘Local variables’ somehow.

I’m sure others feel the same way, in order to deliver better tokenisation options when handing over to development and such. Or am I alone in this?


i am also facing this issue

  • 11 replies
  • August 22, 2024

+1 We definitely need this.

  • 5 replies
  • September 2, 2024


While experimenting with it, I have a little nitpick on the UX for Typography Variables. I’m using two modes, one for mobile and the other for desktop. I’ve already assigned the parent frames to each mode in the appearance property. Here comes the main issue with the number variables; for example, I used font/line-height/lg for the line height, and I applied a 40px line height for mobile and 48px for desktop. However, the text’s property inside the desktop mode frame still refers to the mobile version despite it functionally being 48px, even in the actual design. It would be better to show the desktop mode version of 48px in the property while the text is inside the desktop mode frame because it threw me off a lot.



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