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Hey there, it seems I’ve reached my vote limit and cannot vote on topics and ideas (the buttons label changed to “limit” instead of “vote”).
I didn’t realize a vote limit exists here, so how will I be able to vote on future ideas?
Do I have to check my votes in my forum activity page and unvote older closed topics?
Maybe it is a bug?
Fixed! Thanks for flagging @Gleb!
Hey there. I was wondering if it is good to have a “vote button” sticky to the header while we are scrolling in one of the “Share an Idea” threads. We can see the title in the header, we can also see the button there, too.
I know there is a shortcut for scrolling to the top, but this is not helping with this case. Voting or removing a vote can be much faster, especially when you want to check if you have already voted or not.
something like this:
It’s only for the “Share an idea” topics. I didn’t check the mobile view, we can figure that out, too.
Hey @Armin_Rouhanian , thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately, we haven’t that type of control over the plugin. I’ll share your feedback to the team.
In the meantime, you can press the “page up” key or shortcut (depending on your keyboard) or click in top date presented in the timeline on the right side of the topic.
About the tagging system, it’s definitely something we can improve. You can already add tags when creating a topic, but also feel free to share any additional insights you have in mind! Thank you