Reset text style to default?

Is there a way to easily reset a text style to default? When I create a new text field, it usually inherits the most recently used properties - including font family, weight, letter spacing, case, etc. This isn’t always the desired behavior, and it’s tedious to change each property 1 by 1.

I was also trying to find an answer to this question, as i could not find any way to reset the text to default in the current file. The ultimate solution i found, was to open a new file and paste the text there, then copy it in the current file.

Are there any other ways? This is a very easy thing to do in adobe illustrator, just click and type :confused:

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I am facing the same issue have you found any solution to this yet?

Also here with the same question. Would like the option to reset text styles back to default.

I’m looking for the same functionality. It would increase productivity a lot.

For line height you can type into the value box the word ‘Auto’ this should reset back to default. For letter spacing and paragraph spacing set value to ‘0’ :+1:t2:

@John_Saunders you’re right, the user can reset each text property one-by-one. But this can be very tedious when you consider all of the text properties in addition to the ones you mentioned: alignment, decoration, case, etc.

I’m currently working on a Figma plugin that will address this issue!