Rename frames - bug with match and parentheses characters?

There seems to be a bug with the “match” function when renaming frames, if certain characters are used in the names, such as parentheses.

I have a number of frames with nearly identical names, and I’m trying to rename them by matching a part of the name. At first I thought it was completely broken, because when pasting in the part of the name I wanted to replace, it didn’t match anything. Eventually I realized it works normally except after a certain character is entered - the close parenthesis - then it stops working.

(There may be another reason it’s happening, but when I remove the parenthesis, then it matches again.)

If I’m just doing something wrong or overlooking something, please let me know.

Related feature request: it would be nice to make this window wider so you can actually see the full names of the layers in the Preview.

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Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m checking with our internal team. I will get back to you when I have anything I can share with you.

Thanks for your patience.

Hi there,

Thanks for your patience. The search field supports regular expressions (RegEx). In RegEx, [ ] is used to define a range, while ( ) is for capturing groups. To replace these, you need to escape the bracket characters (\( and \) ) so they’re treated as literal brackets. For example, in the Match field, you should search for \(Bag or Folder list\)
More details:

Can you give it a try?
