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Prototype Connections Are NOT Working


Hi. I’m new to Figma and taking a UX design class. My project is a low-fidelity movie theatre app. I’m having a problem with one frame. There are only two connections on the frame and one is not working. Each connection goes to a top-level frame. One connection is supposed to go to one frame and the other connection is supposed to go to a different frame. The interaction details for both connections appear and are correct but the function for one, the back arrow, will not perform in the prototype. When I click the back arrow, my other connection, a button, lights up. My research tells me that the button is a hotspot but so is the arrow. All my other connections work. Why would this not work? It’s really annoying that something this basic is not working. What am I not doing?

Best answer by Gleb

Since the arrow has the height of zero pixels, it will not be clickable in the prototype.

You need to wrap it in a frame and draw the connection from the frame. This will not only ensure the prototype is working, but also make it accessible, since a thin arrow may be hard to click if you only use its visual bounding box.

P.S. You can use my Figma Link Shortener to create short Figma links. 😉

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  • New Participant
  • April 26, 2021

Can you share the file link? From your description it seems like you are doing everything correct but since it’s not working, something is probably broken.


Thanks for the quick response. The issue is occurring on the Refund Process frame. The back arrow should go to a frame called Actual E-ticket. The Process Refund button should go to the Refund Confirmation frame. The button works but the back arrow doesn’t. I looked at it again before responding and I still don’t know what I did wrong. Here is a link to the file.

  • New Participant
  • April 27, 2021

Since the arrow has the height of zero pixels, it will not be clickable in the prototype.

You need to wrap it in a frame and draw the connection from the frame. This will not only ensure the prototype is working, but also make it accessible, since a thin arrow may be hard to click if you only use its visual bounding box.

P.S. You can use my Figma Link Shortener to create short Figma links. 😉


MUAH!!! Thank you (1,000)! I will try that in the future when I build this out at a higher fidelity. I really appreciate your help, as I learn this software. And thanks for the Figma Link Shortener.


Had the exact same problem. And I think we are both taking the same Google course Marian1 LOL Thank you all for helping!


This definitely helped me as well, thank you guys!


Good day, pls the animation option under interaction is not showing for me. pls what do I do?


I have the same problem, however the same button placed in different pages sometimes works on one page but not on another page. I would love to have some advice on what I would be doing wrong.

  • New Participant
  • September 14, 2022

Screenshots? File link?


here is the link of the prototype, the return button on the “Confirm order page” does go back to the “Menu page”. However the same button works on the “Menu page” that returns on the “Discover food page”.

Food truck app



  • New Participant
  • September 14, 2022

Here is the answer:


Oh! I would have never guessed that was the mistake, I am new to Figma therefore I did not understand that the same frame was stacked upon each other.

Thank you very much for your help, that was a simple mistake that can easily be fixed. I hope others newbies can learn from my mistake.

Again, I a, very grateful for your help @Gleb!

  • September 22, 2022

This explanation is just what I needed right now, thank you.😊

Hello, I want to make interections on the same page. I already connected everything but I do not know why it is not working. Can somebody help me?

I too have the SAME issue. I’m using the browser version of Figma and literally one connection doesn’t seem to be working even though i’ve applied the exact same treatment.
The cards work from 1-4 but when I go back (in reverse) it gets stuck at 3 and instead of going to 2 it goes back to 4. Can someone please help?


i have a similer problem the connections are okay and the flow works properly when played first time on web browser but i must restart web page for it to work agin and it not working at all on Figma desktop app

I’m having the same issue. Everything is connected and whatnot but the other two frames with two different flowers won’t work even clicked on. Only African Daisy will work.

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