Finding Missing Library components/styles

I had the same Problem and found a solution for my specific case. The missing library error appeared in a design file which already uses a number of different libraries.

(Swapping Library is disabled)

Step 1: Create the missing style as a local style (exact same name as the missing one) in the design file where the error appears.

Step 2: Create the exact same style again (exact same name as the missing one) in a (prefereably already linked) library. Then publish the changes.

Step 3: Go back to the design file and update the library changes.

Step 4: Replace the element using the local style with the style from the library.

Step 5: Open the Asset → Libraries view (where the error normally appears). Select the library where you have created the new style with the upper right dropdown. You should now be able to swap the library for the missing style.

Step 6: You can now delete the local style and/or the style in the library file if you don’t need that style.

The missing library error should now be gone.


Great idea! That workaround solved my ghost styles issues (although I don’t know if there are still somewhere in my file…)

Thanks Florian!

Some questions, and thanks for the suggestion! I’ll have to try it out later:

  1. Step 2 - You’re making this duplicate style in another file, yes? For example, making this duplicate style in your main library?
  2. Step 3 - “Go back to the design file…” Do you mean the one with the new local style, or the main library file?
  1. Yes. In the end you need to have the same style in two different locations. In the file where the missing library error appears and in a different file which is linked as library.

  2. Back to the design file in which the missing library error is shown.

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The multi-step workaround is very time consuming if you have tens of styles missing.
Looks like these libraries linking related features have multiple serious bugs and it’s overlooked by Figma planning team. Figma may be too big now and focusing more on adding new features rather than making existing features better.


@Florian_Bredl Thank you so much! It does solve my bothering “Ghost” library issue.

To be honest it’s an edge case and doesn’t impact productivity or workflow. It’s fair to not be a high priority issue.

Hi everyone, I’m also having a problem with this too. Long story short I have a design system file containing several pages which I am currently working on. In my library it is saying I am missing 3 colour styles. These styles originate from another design system and I know exactly where they are located in this other system. My guess is they somehow got copied over from this other design system to the one I am working on right now. The problem is I cannot find these ‘rogue’ colour styles in my design system even after scouring every single page and element. Figma doesn’t have a ‘find’ option so I cannot find these styles easily. Does anyone know how to get around this issue? All I can think of right now is the solution @Florian_Bredl came up with whereby I replicate these ‘broken’ styles in my design systems current colour library and publish them so I can stop the missing colour styles message. However, this isn’t really the best solution in my opinion because I don’t need these colour styles and what is even more concerning is I don’t know where they are. Any thoughts would be appreciated as this is driving me insane!

I had a lot of those in many files too. Usually, I’ve found those missing styles used in hidden layers. After cleaning them there are no more missing ones :slight_smile:

I also use w few plugins to search & replace styles:

Those used in various configurations helped me clean all missing styles in my files and especially in my libraries.


I stay away from plugins like those. They tend to break things that can cause large sweeping changes. I’ll check out the Hidden Styles Remover at least.


Yep - Seems obvious.

It actually worked for me, to create a new style with the same name and then publish that style. Then I could swap that style in the Missing Library window and then delete it afterwards. Then just do it with all styles missing. Problem fixed :slight_smile:

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I believe Components can be found using the plugin instance finder or library analytics for figma enterprice. I reallt need styles as well or the possibility to swap/overwrite with a new style without the name having to match.

I had the same issue with text styles, but read a post about creating the exact same name style locally and then using the library swap to replace the missing remote style with the local style I just created. After it was swapped I just then deleted the local style and it worked great. I found that the missing style was caused by having two text styles in the same text box, and the missing style was a soft return! So even when you highlighted the text the missing style didn’t show up, only the other two text styles if that makes sense?

I have the issue effect styles used by a missing library.
With colors you could check every document page but selecting all objects and using “Show selection colors” to track them down. But with effect styles this doesn’t work…
Can we at least consider having something like “Showing selection effect styles”?

This worked a treat, thanks @Irene_Nelson

Bump here. Let’s keep this thread alive. In case if anyone is wondering, I am not bumping this intentionally to hassle. But this is a big issue, and legitimate one at that.

What or how is it so difficult for Figma to just implement a manual relink feature? I’ve just upgraded to professional plan and I’m not so happy to be slapped with this problem… this thread has been nearing a year old…


Bumping again. As our company’s DS person, this has been a major headache for me. Figma already has the great ‘crosshair’ tool that lets you zoom to/highlight components. It would be great to have this feature carried over to missing/ghost/orphan elements and styles.

I’m currently going through old files I didn’t make, trying to clean them up. There are so many hanging or broken connections…

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Same. Definately need a way to manually select swappable items. We tend to change names frequently when switching between themes and projects and not being able to swap Button + Icon to Button+Icon is quite a headache for us.

Same here.

So far the best solution and plugin I found to deal with this is the “Find in page” after trying many different ones. This one actually finds everything from layer names, component names, style names and such, and most importantly allows to search in the whole document in one go !!! (i’m not the creator of the plugin, but many thanks to him! )