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Hi Guys, for some reason I’m setting up my cover thumb and even though the image used is high res, the thumb is quite pixelated. Thanks for your help

Hey @Joseph_Caruana! Can you give me more info on how you’re seeing this?

First, I wanted to send over this help page regarding thumbnails:

Is the image/frame you’re setting as the thumbnail using a 1920 x 1080 (or equal) dimension? If not, that could be influencing how the thumbnail is rendering.

If this doesn’t seem to be the problem, you seeing the thumbnail pixelated on the desktop app or the web version of Figma? Is it happening on both?

Is it just one particular file, or across all files you have a custom thumbnail for?

Let us know when you can.

Hi @ksn yeah I did all of that, I’m relatively new to Figma and this is my first project. I followed all of the necessary steps to set up the thumb, I also used Figma’s thumbnail template. I use the desktop app but it’s visibly pixelated on both platforms. The image I use in the cover page is high res and no, none of the other thumbs look pixelated 😕. Please refer to the images attached. Thanks for your help!

Thanks for the details – can you share a copy of the image you’re using for the thumbnail? I’ll look into this a bit more, and see if I can replicate.

Sure, please find it attached (I hope that the image is not compressed further by uploading it here)

Hello again! So I tested this myself alongside another support member, and we weren’t able to see any visible pixelation.

Could you try clearing the thumbnail and re-setting it to see if that gets it to where you’d expect? It may not have uploaded properly, and we want to cover that base.
