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Hi, we recently released a simple text management system on Figma and the web and considering it now to be in Beta. Therefore looking for feedback and testers to try it out and tell us if that works for you. is made to help you and your team to organize, translate and update all text in your app and across different departments. Keep everyone on the same page.

Upload your text file (.csv, .json), or create it directly from your Figma file

Invite team members to join you in Figma or on the webapp to work with you

Update and sync your files through the plugin or webapp, add new languages, ensure everyone is on the same page.

Export for end-products in .csv and .json. (directly API coming soon)

How it works: connects your Figma text objects with your apps text keys and content. The Figma object name will be synced with the text keys, to keep both text values the same.

Install the plugin, or log into the website and set up an account

Add a new project and use “from Figma page” if you want to start from your Figma files, or utilize the other option to start from scratch, from csv or json files.

After the project is created, the plugin/webapp serves as the source of truth.

Within the project, click on the menu and select Team to add collaborators to a project.

For csv follow this format. Example:

key,notes,en,de welcome,Welcome!,Willkommen!

For json follow this format. Example:

{ "EN": { "welcome": "Welcome!", “buy”: ”Buy now” }, "DE": { "welcome": "Willkommen!", “buy”: ”Kaufen” }}

Next up we want to add an api that developers can call to get the latest text file for every build.

and of course looking to improve as much as possible on other fronts, and there are many certainly. So it would be really great to get some feedback on what would help you to keep your text managed and up-to-date.

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