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Dev mode pricing


Would anyone feels the same bout the dev mode pricing that is 35$ in an enterprise plan where you can have more than 75% of the available features useless when you have an operable design system?

@figma What would it cost to simply have the inspect working?

Frustrated about your direction. Hope massively people will not adopt it.

131 replies

I agree with you and also created a similar topic giving the idea about a dev only seat. Because yes, most of the Editor/Full seats features are useless for them. Also, in my specific case we don’t want to give them the chance to edit anything of the design, only inspect it, but the Dev Mode is only available in the Editors seat?


To answeryou question ,there is a dev seat wich is in enterprise. It’s a new option alon side the Figma editor, the FigJam and the dev mode.

In enterprise the dev mode is 35$/month for A devs to be able to inspect a handhoff.

But not sure to understand why inspecting cost half of the full editor price and 7 times more expensive than FigJam…

Right, but maybe is better to have the option in pro too

I did a short math on this and it resulted in the following:
if we have 5 developers on our team and we have the Organisation subscription that will cost for us 5xDevelopers x $25/month = $1500/year.

This is ridiculously expensive for just seeing some sizes, padding and hexcodes etc.
Maybe this will be a reason to switch back to ADobe XD. lol.

  • 1 reply
  • January 12, 2024

Within the last year the team that I work for adopted Figma after many months of negotiations with senior leadership in the broader company.

Watching config when dev mode was announced shortly thereafter was like a proverbial gut punch. We had just won the fight to get designers paid seats, so seeing that this functionality is hidden behind a paywall was a reality that came all to fast. There is no way we will get developer seats here. It’s just reality. (I understand the justification for charging a licensing fee, don’t get me wrong!)

There are certainly benefits to dev mode for smaller orgs and startups, but in an enterprise environment where a functioning DSM and component library exists, the cost is not worth it from an engineering perspective. And I would hate to lose the collaboration and efficiency gains that come with building prototypes in Figma.

So I guess this is a plea to the Figma team (and a plea to anyone reading this! please provide feedback if you’re dealing with a similar reality!) to reconsider the pricing of dev mode. Or offer a “basic” version that is similar to what inspect used to be, so we can continue to use the software without a large cost increase. I may be a bit bold in saying this, but I anticipate we wouldn’t be the only enterprise/organizational company that would be forced to find other software if inspect mode is stripped to nothing and dev mode licensing is forced to keep the same functionality ☹

  • Figmate
  • 7 replies
  • January 18, 2024

Hi! Avantika from the Figma Product team here 👋🏾

I really appreciate your feedback about this and I’d love to share a few things that might help. We do have a “basic” version of the old inspect panel available for free to all your developers, although the way they access these features is slightly different. I put together a gallery of visuals which helps visually show the differences. They will still be able to inspect the file via the properties tab, get measurements, export assets, and now will access code snippets from the context menu. Would this serve the needs of the developers in your organization?

Totally hear where you’re coming from around dev mode being less useful in an Enterprise environment. If it helps, we have ways for Dev Mode to integrate with your design system and component library. Here’s a great example from Razorpay where they’ve created a Dev Mode plugin to show the component code from their design system) and a few other ideas in the works, so stay tuned!

Let me know what you think! We definitely want to ensure that you can continue to collaborate with developers even if your organization doesn’t have the budget for Dev Mode.


  • New Participant
  • 16 replies
  • January 19, 2024

@agomes Thanks for the reply.

We got a similar issue at our company and we’re also using the enterprise license. There is no way we get dev seats on top of the design seats (see my post for more info). It was not easy to convince our managers to switch to Figma and with the expensive dev mode we now have to use the free version but the free version is not advanced enough. So I fear we will have another discussion soon to switch from Figma to another tool…

You’re right that devs will still be able to inspect the file via the properties tab, get measurements, export assets, and access code snippets from the context menu but the way the properties tab is structured and how elements are selected in the canvas makes it useless. The important part of the dev mode is this one + the easy way to select elements on the canvas:

You guys should really consider making the basic dev mode more advanced/similar to the image above or make the paid version way cheaper.

  • Active Member
  • 26 replies
  • January 19, 2024

What I don’t understand is how the dev seat cost scales so much when functionality doesn’t. An Enterprise account already pays an exorbitant price for designers, and I understand that for the company it may have added bonuses in security and account control, but these should be on a fixed price per account instead of seatings when they don’t bring as many improvements to the designers themselves (besides 40 modes).

I have been pushing for our company to fully adopt Figma and update their license so we can have more control over our design system (right now we still use Sketch + Zeplin for UI design), but I can’t excuse the huge price increase that it would bring.

  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2024

Figma Dev mode is charged, the organizational version is $25/person/month, the enterprise version is $35/person/month, and the professional version does not have a dedicated dev seat, so you need to buy an editor seat. Moreover, the Properties panel has been cut a lot and is almost unusable.
This price is too expensive for a small team. According to our team of 5 people, $25512 is $1500 a year! Our boss is looking for an alternative that is compatible with Figma.


Hi, I share the same feeling. We had a year of negociation internally to get a tool for all designer across our org and it was not easy.
We’re still in battle for FigJam… and this only for designers.

Now there is a will to charge also Devs where Figma is not their main activity application.
It was already hard to get the tool for designers if Devs had the budget to have tools for themself, they would never spend it into Figma but more something related to their Job.

I know there are a lot of plugin that could do things, but I feel it is not adapted to big enterprises where all code need to be done in a specific way and have a strict process.

The price paying 35$ to be able to see the paddings and margins on roll hover of the UI is quiet a price. I’m sure Zeplin could do better in that area. Not at your level, but penpot has it right now for free…

It would be better to focus on empowering people who create and produce something with your application rather than making devs pay for inspect and using a tool that they don’t like (sorry that’s the case of almost all the devs in my company)

Be carreful on your position and how things continue and not losing our trust.

  • Will you chage 35$ when the AI will be finalized?
  • Will you made the viewer paid 35 because it’s UX researcher not designers?


I’m with you and having the same discussion in my company.
Hoe things will change ✊

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • January 22, 2024

Figma is risking to lose customers with this licensing model. People will have to switch tools completely because the costs cannot be justified, as stated in various posts. Not just in this forum, but also on Reddit and other platforms. Many people raised concerns already and Figma needs to react.

My thoughts:

  • Why scale the pricing between Figma Plans at all when there are no feature differences?
  • Why charge the same for Developer seats as for Designer seats (at least in our Professional Plan), when Developers do not need full edit access at all and just need to inspect designs? The price needs to be significantly reduced.
  • Given that developers could use Figma for free to be able to inspect and see all the needed information (until now), it is understandable that Figma wants to charge something because of the increased range of features. But the jump from free to THIS is insanely high and way too much.
  • Features: Lets be honest, most of the dev users will just want to inspect elements and see some values and do not use extended features like syncing. It is unfortunate that the old Inspect tab, which is now Properties, has been reduced to a point that it is basically useless since it just barely shows the essential information.

The cost increase is insane. Please adjust it Figma.

  • New Participant
  • 15 replies
  • January 25, 2024

Hi all! We are also having a discussion within the company on the same topic. We are on the Enterprise plan, and the main loss for developers will be tokens, the viewing of which will be hidden behind the paywall. This is a really big loss for our product teams as we have a huge design system and we want our teams to have a consistent experience across design files and specs.


Agree. Just figured out the Dev Mode seat. If this will be billed that would a big big step back to use Figma and reason to look somewhere else (org of 100 ppl). Reason to search a good designer tool that includes AI to the fullest as well for a way better pricing.

I also agree. Maybe there should be some basic free mode where we can see at least the basic HTML elements - margin,padding,colors and borders.


I completely agree with you. What is more, I’ll explain my case. I’m a designer working with a developer in a single project, both of us with a free plan. I decided to pay a seat for the developer so he will keep the Dev Mode. When I do so, Figma ask me to select who of us will have de Dev Mode, and when I click on him, Figma converts me directly as a “view-only” member, so it forces me to pay for two seats if I want to edit. WHAT THE HELL?

  • 3 replies
  • January 31, 2024

I’m priced out. Hoping Zeplin plugin works as well


@agomes Let me tell you it won’t work. Most of developers just need to inspect the design in a fancy way, and is a pitty you want to force them to pay for a seat by downgrading them to an awful and uncomfortable inspect tab, which is your actual strategy. What is more, you don’t think about the casuistry of the designer not wanting the developer to edit the design, because your seat gives editing and dev mode privileges.

And I understand you need income as a company, but let me tell you what I think is the worst consequence of all this: if a designer with a free plan and a developer with a free plan are working together and developer wants to keep Dev Mode, both of them have to pay for a seat, because once the developer pays for a seat, the designer is directly downgraded to “view only”. Sorry, but althought I understand a free plan is a free plan, this strategy is completely wrong and creates a bad reputation. You should offer scalable plans.


Based on my understanding, you actually need to pay for a minimum of 10 full designer seats and 20 dev-mode seats to actually get onto the organization plan. If you have less than. that, you are forced to deal with providing full access to developers.

  • 1 reply
  • February 1, 2024

plz bring inspect out of dev mode

Oke, it’s a stupid thing. Why are you forced to buy more seats if you have 1 (one) designer and 5 (five) developers on your team? It may be a moment to switch back to Adobe XD. Yes, its worst but it’s much cheaper!


It’s too expensive…stop!


For our team we want Dev mode only seats on our Professional plan. Because if we give a design seat with Design Editor permissions there’s always a chance that the developers will make unwanted changes to the design. Which is a very big issue.

Will I be able to set Design roles to “viewer-restricted” for Editor seats, but enable Dev Mode for them at the same time?

This is outrageously expensive, you shouldn’t have to pay at least 25$/month to see the spacing between elements. Unbelievable.


No, that’s what’s upsetting, there’s no split between design and development seats in the professional plan, only paid Figma seats allow you to see Dev-mode. This means that, if you want to give access to your developers, you are giving them full design access and paying for their seats as much as you are for your designers’.


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