Create Folders/Categories/Tags for files

I find it a bit unnerving that devs dismiss the request based on the fact you could organise via projects. Feels like I need to apologise for working on a dynamic environment where I need more advanced organisational tools.

I turn the question around to Figma: Is there a strong reason why tags absolutely can’t be implemented? Will this break something?


omg please- I spend a lot of time looking for the files I need - we really need folders :heart:

  1. When working in large Figma files with multiple (20+) pages, some sort of folder solution so that files could be sorted into bins to help would be great!
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It is a no question problem. We don’t have to ask to simply have the possibility to create folders on the draft’s page to organize the design files… It is OBVIOUS and easy to implement even if it is a paid feature it is so stupid we can’t have that simple feature… Things like this can change minds to go to other design platforms.


It has passed almost a year, and nothing of such funcionality?! What a shame! Figma is an awesome platform, but lacking in organization is a big hit.

Bring it as soon as possible, because working in a messy workspace is really… Discouraging.

Edit.: I just discovered it, but specially now that we can only create one project/folder per team lol

Edit².: Yet again, I found out you can only have 3 figma files in these “project folders” :neutral_face:

Almost a year but no solution yet LOL.
I wanted to subscribe Figma but found that lacking this function would be really inconvenient to me and my team.


We need folders to manage our design progress, history, versions.

If you were managing a huge design team that receives massive requests a day from product managers, you would want to distribute some approved requests into designs and put them into pending to develop folders for IT team to check out. In the process, you really need to mark which versions are “production”, “developing”, “pending to design”, etc so that they can be easily distinguished.

Please consider to put it into backlog and make it happen! I believe that every manager / designer will love it!

Thanks and have a good day


I believe they deliberately don’t develop this feature as the structure is already in place. I think this is because they use it as a motivation for purchasing premium and this is very disappointing! I think if more people use Figma they more chance is there to convert them rather than limiting users!


My organization groups it’s teams to differentiate projects. Within those groups, there is no further group functionality. All of my teams files are just existing together rather than grouped and organized in sub-categories.

I would like to be able to create sub-groups within my team’s group.

How it is now:
-Team A
—Figma Board Z (project 1)
—Figma Board Y (project 1)
—Figma Board X (project 2)
-Team B
—Figma Board W (project 3)
—Figma Board V (project 4)

How I’d Like it to Be

-Team A
–Project 1
—Figma Board Z
—Figma Board Y
–Project 2
—Figma Board X
-Team B
–Project 3
—Figma Board W
–Project 4
—Figma Board V


It would be nice to add the ability to sort projects by folder in the Drafts section. It was cool if you could separate different drafts according to specific genres. And working on a new project, you would immediately refer to the necessary folder, and not search among the large canvas of all projects. that would make the task very easy. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I feel the same way. This is a very easy feature to develop. The problem is, they don’t even have this even for Enterprise account so people are forced to create Teams when they really don’t have to.

Hi all.
I am assuming it was already said and requested a lot of times - having one level of “files holder / aggregator” is not enough when wanting to arrange your files in a more organized hierarchy. In big projects its becoming quiet messy…
Would be great to have the ability to do so.



I think grouping Design Files together is a missing feature that would add the possibility for cleaning drafts feed.

Echoing what it seems many, many others are saying, file management in Figma is lacking. It goes Org/Team → Project → annnnd whatever files you have better fit inside there because that’s all you get. Subfolders? Never heard of 'em.

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Olá pessoal, gostaria de sugerir na aba de jobs da figma, vocês poderiam colocar um recurso para separarmos os arquivos por pasta, com isso, nós poderiamos separar os jobs dentro delas.

I join the author! It will be very convenient if drafts of a certain category will be located in a separate group or folder. I would add this idea here. Then it can be helpful to make a pinned group.

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I join the author on this request. Folders and tags would be IMMENSELY helpful in organizing our work.


Adding my voice from Shipt and Target’s UX teams. Please - we desperately need deeper folder hierarchies, tags, or something more than we have now. The currently structure isn’t sustainable for a big team. Organization is getting worse and worse as we grow.

  1. Figma relies on Project folders and Recent Files to organise files. A bookmarking feature would help me organise the top priority files.

  2. I work for an enterprise where I need to collaborate with various teams. We share the links with each other for reference, and in a month I have about 30-40 reference figma links from other teams. It becomes super chaotic to keep a track of all these files. Currently, I use Recent Files to go back to the file. However, it consists of other unimportant files I have opened as well.
    So, a bookmarking feature would help. And it would be great if those bookmarks could have folders for someone like me who work on multiple projects.

  3. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?

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I’d love to set any file in Drafts as Favorite, so I can easily find it, among others.
For instance, I’d like to have my main UI Kits at hand