Calculation formula within variable input

Hey All, thanks for the feedback here!

We’ll pass this onto the team for future consideration.

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I’m dealing with a token library that has values that are formulas global x 1.25 etc… This is crucial…

I can’t tell you how disappointed I was at Config this year in the lack of product updates.

Variables was such a great idea that you got 50% of the way there.

Just adding a request for this as well. Ideally also being able to add multiple other variables together.

keeping alive!!! This is definitely needed - please keep variables in mind

Need this. Need it for default font size, rem etc.

+1 as well. Would be nice

For annotating responsive mockups and demonstrating behavior, I’d like to be able to reference a variable minus 1. For example, to show the widest possible behavior of a component at the small breakpoint, I want to be able to set the width of a frame to medium - 1.