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  1. I have 1 comment on a page and it looks like I have 5 or sometimes 200+… This is cause there are older comments resolved included in this count.

  2. It would be helpful to have comments count decrease as they become resolved.

  3. Does anyone else experience this? Please vote (Button above- yes I expected it below the description too)

Hi @Lottie_Jones, can you clarify what you mean by the comment count? Are you referring to the number next to the comment?

Hey, how can I change the number for comments? For example:

I’ve added 4 comments on a project, then I deleted them. Now when I add a new comment it starts from number 5. It should start from 0 because I’ve already deleted them.

Hi Josh, I believe thats what she meant but I also have the same question. As an example, if I add 5 comments and then change my mind about comment 3 and 4 and delete them I’m left with a sequence of comments 1, 2 and 5. If I then share this internally everyone is looking for comments 3 and 4. Maybe I’ve missed how you edit the existing - a simple drag and drop in the order the menu would be cool!

I was exactly looking for a way to reset the comment number, but from the exchange in this thread, it seems there is no way to do that yet…

It does seem strange! It massively confuses my developers and they always joke that I’m not providing them with the best ‘user experience’

Sometimes there are so many comments that sorting through them is a pain. I’ve started writing down the numbers manually to keep track of them, and it’s also frustrating that the actual comments don’t contain the number. It would also be great to bookmark comments, perhaps some marked for your attention to come back to.
