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I highly appreciate the new feature allowing us to use the text-decoration simply with the keyboard shortcuts.

However, I’ve noticed that when applying text-decoration using shortcuts like cmd+b or cmd+u within components, the styling does not save properly. For example, if I bold the label in a button using cmd+b and later try use it and change the label text property, the bold formatting is removed. The same issue occurs with underline on hover effects - e.g. when I underline text for hover states using cmd+u, the underline is lost.

While it was a relief that I don’t longer have to create all possible text-decoration variations as the separate text styles in my design system (like: “Body/Bold, Body/Bold Underline” etc.), now I feel like I should go back to this more time-consuming approach.

Please consider this feedback or let me know if there’s a flaw in my workflow.

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