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Show Font Weight in Inspect panel

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  • 1 reply
  • January 10, 2023

Please fix this. My devs will kill me soon.

Just sharing another instance of this bug. Brandon Grotesque (Adobe Typekit font) is being used at the weights 400, 500, and 700 in this project, but Figma displays the weights as 390, 420, and 450 respectively. I’m really not sure what the deal is here, but this bug has thrown a wrench into pretty much every design/dev handoff for every project I’ve worked on in the last few years. Our designers specify elsewhere what the weights need to be for a project, but inspecting other components requires us to translate the erroneous values in your head to the real weights.
In screenshot, the selected text box should show 700 as the weight.


We just had the same issue, our devs noticed that the weight was shown as 400 in figma when it should be 700.

Any fix for the font style showing incorrectly in inspect? We updated font styles and the inspect panel is showing the old styles. Super obnoxious as the old style showing is different than the new styles so stuff is being built incorrectly on their side.

Hi, I’m currently facing the same problem as OP, especially after the introduction of Dev mode.

This is really frustrating to deal with as it slows down development and creating style sheets that specify every detail of each text style is time-consuming 🤬 😡 😡 😡

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • June 30, 2023

This has been a pain in the b**t since we started working with Figma two years ago.
Automatic detection of font-weights might be prone to errors to begin with since many fonts might not have corresponding font-weight numbers embedded? Figma how about you give designers the ability to define corresponding font-weights manually that show up in Dev-Mode / inspect panel?

  • 6 replies
  • July 20, 2023

It’s been two years already, and we really need this to be fixed! @Figma_Support

  • 1 reply
  • August 3, 2023

Same issue here! 😕

  • 3 replies
  • August 25, 2023

Bumping because seems like with the introduction of Dev mode the Table View was removed. 🙃 So this workaround no longer works.

  • 4857 replies
  • August 25, 2023

We always show font-style, line-height, and font-weight in code snippets.
Dev Mode fast follows: 200+ new features and fixes | Figma Blog.

You can inspect values not only through code snippets, but also as Figma properties.
Dev Mode fast follows: 200+ new features and fixes | Figma Blog.

  • 3 replies
  • August 25, 2023

Thanks for the heads up! Personally this didn’t do what I needed it to (attached is what I expected, and how I told my devs to look for correct font-weight in the past), but in all fairness we probably need to look into how our font files are set up in the code. 😅

  • 1 reply
  • September 27, 2023

Not sure if anyone ever actually reported this as a “bug” instead of an idea - but I just did and I hope it will maybe be fixed after 2 years because it’s causing issues for us as well.


2024, post Dev Mode becoming a paid product, this issue still persists. Has anyone found a workaround like before (table view that disappeared) that somehow is solved in Dev Mode? Or some other workaround?

  • Designer Advocate
  • 12 replies
  • February 20, 2024

Thanks for your feedback, Lea. The team is looking into this now!

This is an issue for our company as well where Adobe Creative Cloud fonts are not displaying the correct font weight in dev mode.

Our only option to combat this is to put the correct font weight into the name of the element as well as documenting the issue. The issue is we are instructing our developers to use dev mode, but also telling them to ignore/replace some of the code in dev mode… this is not ideal.

@Rogie_King I know you said the team is looking into this issue so any update would be helpful.

  • 2 replies
  • June 7, 2024

Also receiving this issue! 😢


Same issue for our large, multi-brand Design System: font-weight for our Book styles is shown as 450 in Dev Mode although it actually is 400. This creates confusion and leads to wrong implementations.

@Rogie_King Thanks for working on fixing this bug, feel free to get in touch for testing / more info.


This is just crazy, this topic begins in 2021… And still no fix? I’m using Zeroheight linked with our Design System on Figma and we can’t have the good overview of our textstyles, this is a big problem for us… 😅 We have a heading style with font-weight “Book” and Figma doesn’t display the right weight… Our developers are also very confusing. Please you have to fix this.


Same in my case: we use Sofia Pro, Figma dev mode generates badly under 300 !

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