Shortcut to publish library and automatically update files
My team and I are currently having the inconvenience of having to publish our library every single time we make even a small change (like a font size increase, color change, etc.) and then switching to the working file and manually updating the library. Due to the nature of the project we do this quite frequently and having to publish – switch file – update every single time to see the changes in our designs turns out very time consuming if you add it up.
It would be amazing if Figma could integrate a shortcut for automatically updating a library and automatically updating the files it is being used on (like a cmmd+S shortcut!), of course not everybody might want to have this so it would also be nice to be able to turn this shortcut on and off.
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+1 (auto-save as an option)
We just ran into this use case for our design system. Having a auto update libraries feature for something like a Sticker sheet would be super helpful. We don’t need to check the updates before they go through they just need to happen weekly, monthly, whatever.
A keyboard shortcut would be good enough!
Right now you can hit CMD+P and search for “Publish changes to library” (which after one use will be pre-selected after hitting CMD+P) and then CMD+Enter to publish rather quickly. But updating library changes in a file still requires waiting for the notification to pop up and then a mouse click.
Definitely agree with the shortcut idea, right now I got used to doing:
Ctrl + Alt + O > tab, tab, Enter > Ctrl + Enter (publishes updates)
Then… frustratingly seeking toast message in other files an clicking on “Review”.
(Thanks to @dustavsson, just realized I could replace Ctrl + Alt + O > tab, tab, Enter with Ctrl + P, P, Enter)
Auto-update on a per user and/or per file basis would be nice, still.
PLEASE!!! It is already highly annoying to go back and forth the design system file and the main design file. I don’t want to hit the publish and review button each time - super frustrating!!!
I would love this. I hate having to publish over and over.
I also urgently need this function
+1 upvote for this use case
I see that Figma isn’t going to do this, despite its popular acclaim
Our SaaS product has a published design system that the team uses regularly.
However, it is crucial that the team updates the published library each time changes are made to the design system. If this step is missed, it can lead to inconsistencies and discrepancies in the product.
To prevent these issues, Is is possibility to creating a feature or setting that would allow for automatic updates to the design system whenever changes are made. This would streamline the updating process and help ensure that the team is always working with the most recent and accurate design components.
perhaps this feature is not desirable for design teams, so it can be configured at the team level
Jumping on the (stalled) train here. Is there any sort of workaround/plugin that anyone is using to currently solve this problem? We would also like to auto-accept/update files after a component has been (re)published.
I’d like this feature request to become a reality too. It’s tedious to have to click so many times to apply updates from the library to the target file/s.
Please Figma add this. I’m wasting tons of time publishing changes for myself as I’m the only designer in the company 😦
This was my workflow a couple of months ago:
Alt + 3 > Tab > Enter > Shift + Enter
Super fast! Right? Alt +3 opened the Libraries panel, Tab would move the focus to the “Publish…” button, Enter to “click” it, then I’d press Shift + Enter to publish immediately.
It was great, until… Figma pushed the “Current File / Your teams / Other teams” tabs (and some other stuff in this panel).
Please create shortcuts to publish libraries without friction. Thanks!
My recent discovery was this. You click on the little chevron right next to the file name and voila
Count me in. As a primary maintainer of our corporate design system libraries I waste humongous amounts of time walking through hundreds of design files and review/receive updates.
I absolutely and vitally need an effort-efficient proces of mass updating and managing breaking changes using rule based approach, where overrides are kept in a pre-defined way during a batch update that is initiated from the library.
It is possible to improve even bringing publish icon to the main level, but NO for 2 years. This publishing just kills me. I am back to Sketch because of this unfriendly UI.
I’ll pile on and offer a bit of context.
When you have multiple folks using a library, it makes sense to notify designers that the library has changed and give them the chance to accept (or not) those changes.
But this isn’t a problem when you are the only designer working on the library and the files that use its components.
The extra step when you publish, where it summarizes each change, is not necessary because I’m the one who just made the changes.
The extra step to accept the changes in the other files - again, not necessary because I’m the only designer working in them
So give us a “one player mode” that streamlines that process. I’m also going mad jumping back and forth between the library and my files, with all the extra clicks required just to see the updated components.
This is a huge time suck for me. So I’m adding my +1
Also adding my vote for this. It is painful.
Figma team: How about just putting this command somewhere in the Menus? We could then bind it to a keyboard shortcut, which is downright impossible right now.
Here is my suggestion for a shortcut. How about Command + S to “Save & Publish Library” like in the good old days? Easy to access on the keyboard too!
Jesus Chris, please! We need auto-update option for the files. Manually publishing library/changes isn’t that much of a chore, since you just do it from on file where you’ve created the changes.
But manually updating each file which uses the library is insanely time-consuming. If I update something regarding a color, or a text style, I would have to open and update something like 30 files, if I’m using one file per component approach.
Even with a simpler design system setup, you still need to go through at least 10 files and manually update each one. That’s just so much wasted time.
I understand that sometimes auto updates aren’t preferred, but that’s why we need an option, which can be set by a team leader, main editor or whatever.
I’m with you, bro! Needed, Every single time i have to go back and forth
And for whatever reason this has changed for me to: