This is bugging me too. I can see thee value is huge organizations but for a small shop wanting to do things right, its a waste of time. Wish I could select autopublish. Thanks!
Yes I could not agree more! I am actually the only designer on my team, but I like to centralize my design system. So I’m constantly publishing updates to myself, and going through this whole process! Haha. It is annoying.
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- Right now the publication flow is very long and heavy, even for small updates.
- Alt+3, 2) Publish 3) Publish 4) Switch file 5) Review 6) Update
- A solution would be to offer a “Quick Publish” option for files.
Hit Alt+Maj+3, everything is published, and files that depend on the library update automatically.
Designers will hunt you down the first time you force-push an update that breaks their overrides.
What I would love to see, because it’s risk-free, is the ability to force-push updates to component descriptions. Sometimes it’s helpful to edit your instructions or to insert new keywords, but getting designers to accept updates on a component - even when it’s literally no risk to their designs - can be difficult.
That’s why I proposed this feature to be optional for a team project because not everybody would like to open their files and see things changed
This should be optional on a per-user basis. We have a complex app and it’s maddening to do this from tens to dozens of times per day. Not expected in a power tool.
Also agree! The workflow is too long. I need a way to auto-publish library changes and have those changes be automatically reflected in the file i’m using the library in.
Users don’t get updated, files do. So it would likely have to be a per-file basis.
Yes!! This is driving me crazy having to make a small change in my design system file, publish, swap to design file, update, and all over again if it’s not right.
I would love to have the option to autopublish components and styles. It would save me so much time and energies.
I’m the only designer in the company so I don’t need to approve other people’s components.
Even a plugin would be enough!
Please figma, this would add massive value. It should be an option that can turned on and off.
Please add this feature to Figma!
If you update the assets and you want to deploy them. So you should be able to do it with keyboard shortcuts. If you press the key ctrl+r you should get a preview with enter you can confirm it. If you want to publish it directly without preview, then press the keys ctrl+shift+r.
If you receive an update, you can confirm it with enter.
I’ m for ctrl+r because it is already in the browser like this
It could also give you the otion to choose the files you want to publish too and batch it.
Started working on a project with a component library in another file. I am already tired of endlessly publishing the small changes that I implement and want to be synchronized quickly. It would save me so much time if there was an option to simplify this process 🙏
This would be amazing as well. Particular use case would be for project covers. I would love to make the update on the design system and have all project covers updated without having to go into each project and update them individually.
I was looking for a shortcut to this and I got in here but I see that there isn’t a shortcut yet 😪 so just voting for implementing this!
I hope this come out soon!
This would be a fantastic addition to Figma.
When updating the library, in the window where you select the components there should be a checkbox:
☑️ Automatically update all files using this library
I don’t even need updates to be automatic:
Simply adding keyboard shortcuts like Tab to browse the Libraries/Update popup tabs, and Enter to publish or update instead of having to click these buttons manually every time would already save a LOT of time (and frustration)
All you would have to do is press Alt+3, then Tab, then Enter.
Aug 2022 and we are still waiting for this… low key sad.
Somehow to me, having changes made to the already published libraries automatically pushed to any and all files that use that library is so much of a no-brainer that it’s expected to work the same way as Figma’s auto-save. If auto-save is a thing, why is auto-publish not?