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Can anyone figure out how to reorder the list of variable collection in the fill dropdown? The layer ‘mode’ assignment appears to sort correctly alphabetically, but the pick list under the fill menu does not, which is a huge painpoint, and will definitely lead to my designers picking the first color they see instead of the semantic one.

Correctly sorted - numerical

Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 2.28.47 PM

Incorrectly sorted - 2. is at the top instead of 1.

After realizing the order is based on creation date, I re-added my primitives later. However, when I came back to view my Local Variables later, the order had switched. Again, I have to scroll past all of the primitives. Very frustrating. Because your semantic (or other) variables are based on primitives, it makes sense that you would add primitives first, therefore this problem will always be an issue and we should be allowed some sorting mechanism.

Thanks for the feedback, ​@Lauren_Asazawa

We’ve moved your reply to this topic, that was linked in the previous one. We’ll pass this onto the variables team for future consideration. 

+1 to bump to the top. This would be a MASSIVE QoL improvement as our team just set up our first comprehensive token set.

The biggest advantage is to not see primitives at the top without being forced to hide them for paradigms that are less mature/decided on.

