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Hi folks !

I’m wondering if there is a way to remove the “use the app” banner on top of the Figma Mirror webpage.

Here is the situation : I’m using to test some design for a website.

Since the app is fully out, we get the banner pushing use to use the app, but I want to be in the browser environment. Of course I can use some “X-browser UI resources” and use Figma App to simulate the browser visuals, but to me it makes not much sense.

Usually there is a dismiss icon, but not in this case.

Thank in advance,


This would be really helpful for my workflow as well. is a great way to see work in the browser, but this “open in app” bar prevents me from being able to.

Hey All, thanks for flagging this!

I’ve updated this topic into a feature request for now, since I was able to reproduce and it seems to be the current expected behavior.

I’ve passed this topic onto the mirror team to take a closer look, as to why the ability to dismiss this banner was removed.

+1, I’m going to do testing with users on their devices and the “Open in the Figma app” banner and CTA is quite confusing.

I wonder if the team could allow a variable to be passed through the URL to hide the banner, similar to the way you can show or hide the Figma UI with ‘show-proto-sidebar’

Thanks for the feedback, @cnrlw!

We’ll pass this onto the team for consideration.


Please allow us to view the prototype without this banner
