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Clicking between two pages is inconvenient – there should be a hotkey for that.

Context — I have components in Page A and need to see the changes I make on Page B. I make lots and lots of small iterations to my design and want to swap between Page A and B quickly to see results.

Solution — A back and forward button (or hotkey) that let’s you jump between pages you’ve last visited and forward again.

Adding my list to the many here of how helpful this would be.

Another comment just to say this would also be helpful for me, I keep intuitively trying to do it with the back button on my mouse and then realising the functionality doesn’t exist

Plus one for this function. Although I’m a dev and not a designer, this is literally my biggest gripe with Figma, and one of the only ones even. Mouse back button for sure, and keyboard shortcut would be nice.

Definitely would be great to have this!

As an addition: gesture based navigation support for macOS users.

I think many macOS users are used to navigate in apps by swiping back and forth to bring you to your previous/next page (slack, Finder etc. ) or even cursor position (xcode, IntelliJ).

I use VSCode a lot and it is so frequent action to quickly visit some file and go back to the previous file.

Working with components in Figma and miss this shortcut of visiting some other page (to check components or colors) and returning quickly to my prototyping page.

  1. You’re in the flow, you’re working on some designs.

  2. You realize you need something from another page in the Figma file.

  3. You go find that thing.

  4. Ugh, now you have to go find where you were on that other page with all the flows on it.


  1. You’re working.

  2. You go get something from another page.

  3. You hit the back button and keep working.

I also miss this feature many time a day. Another use case: I noticed a comment added to the file I am working with. Following the comment brings me to another page. Coming back to the point I was working at takes some time.

Can’t believe this isn’t already baked-in in figma… Has anyone found a plugin to do this?

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There should be a Back button in the View as well as a keyboard shortcut for it, like IDE’s (such as IntelliJ) — I believe it’s Cmd+Shift+S (as just an example).

For reference, AutoCad did this in 1997. There was a keyboard shortcut to return to your previous zoom. It was amazing, and I’ve wanted it in every design application I’ve used since. In Figma want a way to quickly go back, not just to the page I just came from, but to the exact zoom I was on when I left it. My primary use case is when I view a master component that’s stored on the same page. I know that might seem messy to some to not have all components on a Components page-- but I’ll make detailed components in a status matrix, which are more like page documentation than typical components. So when I view a master component that’s on the same page, my only way back to where I came from is to zoom way out and zoom back in to where I’d been. It’s a lot of cognitive overhead to make my way back to where I came from.

How is this super simple feature not a thing yet, this would save so much time

Arc does tab switching in a great way in my opinion. You just hit Ctrl+tab and can switch between the five latest tabs you had open:)

I’ve been using Figma for years and this is my number one complaint…comes up on a daily basis. So much cognitive load to keep looking for the page that I’m flipping back and forth between. Slack is a great example - simple shortcut to navigate back and forth through your page history.


Does this, thanks Thor!

But I’d much rather be able to use a keyboard shortcut ⌘+, ⌘+] for example.

This is just a page browsing in sequential order.

This is good enough for me, till Figma brings it natively.

Yep keyboard shortcuts would be so much easier.

Right now the plugin needs to be open (and floating around somewhere) for it to track history.

Would be great if a plugin like this would be able to read the selection history inside the undo history tree and then just have a function called ‘Go to previous selection’ and just jump to the previous selection in the history each time it’s activated.

Much like @Gleb’s comment above (Quickly go to last visited page and back - #23 by Gleb).

If this function would have a application menu items in the main Figma > Plugins menu this would easily be activated with a keyboard shortcut and allow for super fast navigation.

This is only solving the issue inside of one file. Good enough for that cause, but it does not help me moving between files.

I am currently working in a large enterprise project where we easily have 100+ files (not pages!), since different concept teams for different parts of the product have their own spaces. Also there are several libraries.

Most of the times I have 20+ files open as tabs in Figma, which makes navigating back and forth between e.g. Libraries/concepts almost impossible, which is absolutely crucial in reviews and discussions.

The proposed spotify/Slack-like back button, also as shortcut would be an immense upgrade! Maybe regarding the shortcuts we would need to distinguish “page” and “file” back as well. But in most cases the back on top could be also an overarching “back” to the last view, be it file or element on a page.

This is really missing in Figma. Just as in all Websites catch the side mouse buttons for moving page forward/backward (just reinterpreted for pages since we don’t want to reload whole URLs).

Oh boy, how does history navigation not yet exist?? 😅

Please Figma, add a back/forward button so we can jump between pages quickly without trying to find the specific page each time in the page list.

I can’t recall how many times I’m in the middle of a design review… or just standard working on components between pages…and get completely lost. @Chere_De_Koh’s post certainly resonated! 😂 …

anyway, in closing… how is there no back button?!

This has just 118 votes. Since 2021. They will never implement it (maybe if they change the underlying tech someday). There are other missing features like no scrollbars in prototypes that really destroy usability tests with much more likes and even then they don’t care.

Or the mismatch between CSS border and Figma stroke (rendered as border in their css) that forces devs to act against w3 standard and use the box-shadow hack.

You need to push it in the social media, collect more likes etc. so it get’s more visibility. Maybe as a comment in LinkedIn on their little big updates or so.

I’ve noticed a few requests for this, but it really surprises me that more people are not upvoting it. I cannot express enough how annoying it is for me to click on Figma links from a Jira task and then get shifted out of the current design I’m working on, only to not be able to find my way back to it. As a UX manager, I am working on 100 different design files each day, conducting design reviews, answering questions, and triaging Jira design stories. Therefore, trying to remember each file/page location is total insanity. PLEASE add a back button. Thank you.

This is a MUST for complex projects with lots of pages. Please!!!
