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I’m working as transparent as possible but having people seeing irl what I’m doing is sometimes detrimental.

I was wondering if there’s a way to activate a multiplayer freeze for non-editors. If I activate multiplayer freezing it takes say a snapshot of my file the moment I activate it and displays this snapshot to non-editors.

It allows me to continue working on the file while other people see the latest status that has been “approved” by me - namely the last snapshot.

It also helps me keep my file clean since I wouldn’t have to create duplicate pages or separate sections for stakeholders, and allows me to also just have one link I can share with people.

This of course would make sense the most for WIPs that are actively been worked on, let’s say quick turnaround projects where not only design teams are working on but need access to the latest designs.

I haven’t given much of a thought about this 🤷🏼‍♂️ but it just came to me as I was working on a file and getting several requests to show the latest to send it up the food chain – meaning powerful nervous people would be looking at something very raw and as usual getting bogged down on the details

Hey @Alvaro_Navarro, thanks for the feedback!

This isn’t possible right now, but we hear you. We’re sure that there are others in the community that may want this ability for collaboration. We’ll pass this onto our team for future consideration.
