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So If text overflows from one, it can show up in another textbox. This would be useful for two-column/grid composition and responsive layouts.

Yes, I’m just trying out Figma (usually use Adobe illustrator) and one of the first features I’ve found that makes Figma less useful to me is there’s no way to wrap text between text boxes, to create columns.

There’s a columns plugin, but it doesn’t wrap the text into the adjacent text box when re-sizing the frame.

Yes. This would be useful when designing longform web articles that have long columns of text broken up with entry points like pull-quotes, images, video, and other content.

+1 on this one! Much needed, especially for digital PDF an presentation designs.

+1 on this as well

Indeed. +1 from me too.

Another vote for this…

Please add this feature! Would save me so much time. I was going to do my project in Figma but now will have to go back to inDesign.

Please add

+1!!! I am tired of making ebooks in inDesign.

@Figma this seems like a pretty easy feature to get done in a sprint or two and it would open you to a whole other crowed from InDesign that want to be creating eBooks and other PDF artifacts but don’t come to Figma because there is no text threading

Just keeping this alive. I’d rather have simple and extremely useful things like this than AI, which is blocked in my company anyway…

I found this thread while trying to figure out if I should convince a collaborator to move from InDesign to Figma. If text wrapping between text boxes is not possible, we’ll be sticking with InDesign.

Pleas please please please

Please it will be very helpful

Please take a note from Star Trek NTG and make it so!

It would make layouts much easier and it’s a simple tool to add. There’s space already in the text menu box. Just add a teeny link icon and when you hover over it, it’ll say that clicking on this links together selected text boxes. Done!

Another vote for this. This feature alone would get me using Figma much, much more.

Another vote for linking textboxes!

Hey Figma, how about this feature? Any news? Community what can we do for this to become a thing?

Yes please! absolutely necessary

Adding in my vote!  Please add this feature! Looking for reasons similar to what people have already said:

Quick one-pagers, ebooks, etc.

CSS column design with text (to make it easier for copywriters to manage their content)

Figma, any updates on this one? The community needs this feature. Is kind of embarrassing is not there yet. 

Adding my comment to this so that the gods of Figma listen to our prayers! This would be so useful.
