Currently, Figma allows users to view who made changes on specific dates and restore file versions. However, in collaborative environments, when multiple designers work on the same file, it becomes challenging to track specific changes (e.g., who modified a component, altered a style, or moved an element). This lack of granularity can lead to inefficiencies when trying to pinpoint changes to revert or discuss.
Proposed Solution:
Introduce a Design Change Log feature in Figma, similar to Git for developers. This log would:
- Provide detailed change tracking at the object/component level.
- Highlight who made each specific change and when.
- Allow users to review changes in a granular view (e.g., “Designer X resized this frame,” “Designer Y updated the text in this component”).
- Enable selective restoration of changes (e.g., restore only one modified component instead of the entire file).
- Improves collaboration in multi-designer projects.
- Reduces confusion about overlapping changes.
- Enhances accountability and transparency in the design process.
- Helps teams maintain a clean and consistent design history.
What do you think about it guys? do you had the same problem?