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The first, and easiest one would be to switch the selection from an element to its immediate parent using something like [command option shift] + [up]… I think kdown] could select into immediate children and then use eleft/right] to go between them, but I haven’t given it much thought. Selecting multiples might be possible too, but I think the issue here would be a lack of available modifier keys for the arrows.

Hey @Cory4, thanks for the feedback!

I’ll pass this onto the team for consideration.


How often have you selected this but you really want to select the container?

keyboard shortcuts FTW!

Do you know the current shortcuts for that? They are super convenient.

I do not… hence the post. Are there keyboard shortcuts for that? I’d be PUMPED!

You can view all shortcuts right in Figma:

Here are the ones you are interested in:

I thought you are asking to change them, not add, hence my question to clarify.
