Mass selecting elements in Figma can be a pain. Especially with the new changes to auto-layout sometimes elements will get nested 4 or 5 frames deep. In Sketch, you can press Cmd+Opt while dragging to select a group of objects. When you do this it will only select elements completely within the drag area. This makes mass selecting way more powerful. I’d love to see Figma copy it or come up with something better.
This is the main reason for me to move away from Figma, beck to Sketch (along with annoying custom fonts handling which I still don’t understand)
Please Figma, this is such a useful feature. Once you get used to it, there’s no going back… Well, I guess I could always go back to Sketch 🤔
Definitely this is one the reasons I feel clumsy in Figma and still prefer Sketch for quick mockups
Would be plus when building and testing out our new table components
Currently transferring a huge multibrand whitelabel project from Sketch to Figma and I really miss this feature.
Is this feature now available? I also have troble selecting the abjects inside the selecting window
Please add a “select only the layers fully inside bounds” shortcut, thanks 🙏
2.5 years pasted why Figma still doesn’t have this function? 🤔
I would also appreciate the option to select objects in bounds only. ✌️
It’s the little things that matter. This is the main reason I’m an anti-sponsor of Figma. None of the other good features outweigh this feature. When I first used Sketch, and found out about this, it revolutionized my workflow. This was the equivalent of walking with a cast my whole life and having it removed. I can’t go back to the cast. I would use MS paint if it had this feature. I am technically a Figma user, but I don’t use Figma because of this.
I would also very much appreciate this feature!
I second this request, would be a useful feature. Right now, the easiest way to achieve this is to use deep select and then hold the shift key and do another deep select to exclude the items that are not supposed to be included in the selection, by doing a new deep selection that is smaller than the original. Other options for special cases are the menu Edit > Select all with…, or using the Layers pane on the bottom left (which brings selected items into focus in real time, and can be handy, when the number of layers is not overwhelming). Here, using search to filter down visible layers is also an option.
I missed this feature the first day I switched to Figma a few years ago and still miss this feature on a daily basis. Maybe one day we’ll see a fix for this.
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