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UI3 may look cool, compact, clean. But it slows down my work a lot. In my opinion, it is great to bring these back:

First I want the Go to main component and Create instance swap back to always visible. They don’t have shortcut keys, and they are also hidden. I believe this is 2 of the most frequently used action in Figma.


Second, Constraints is either frequently used, especially by who designs icons or illustrations. Seems like you discourage users from using it:

Third, please tell me the reason why you changed Clip Content from a checkbox into a dropdown? I hate it when I have to spend 2 clicks to get to it. Or do you have a plan to add more options into this dropdown? Or just because you want somewhere to add icons before the label?


Fourth, after dragging a component from this panel, it won’t disappear right away and stays occupying space on screen. Why should it stay?

Hey @Phu_Nguyen , thanks for sharing your feedback on UI3! I just shared this to our internal team for visibility 🙂

The icon change for Go to main component isn’t as clear as it was before. Using the same icon as the Main component (four 90deg filled squares) gave the us a clear message as it used the same symbol. The icon now used to show the us that the component was in another file.

I want to add this:

In UI2 I can see Page’s background color when I hide the panel on the left, as well as the list of styles, with keyboard shortcut ⌘⇧\

But in UI3 I cannot. The Design panel only appears if at least 1 layer is selected.

Also, this behavior makes the design panel blinks, distract me from designing.

Also, working on multiple projects simultaneously made distinguishing between prototype previews and editor pages difficult. UI2’s interface effectively addressed this issue.


I want all these functions visible and at the top like UI2. Actually, UI2 works well and is convenient

From my point of view, the work on the left panel (pages & layers) is not yet complete.

My capture is quite revealing. Indeed, even if we can increase the width, we absolutely must review the grid and spacing in order to refine and avoid cutting labels too quickly.

Figma’s decision to hide the History view within a dropdown is confusing, blurring the distinction between editor and history modes.

Old Vs New UI

A while ago, the UI changed and I got an option to “Go back to the old UI”. I clicked on it, and it seems now its stuck on the old UI and it never gives any option to switch to the new UI. I would obviously like to switch back and forth between the old and new UIs, but I’m not sure how to do this. I am also not certain which UI I am on, and don’t know how to determine this.

Disable Snapping Hotkey

Recently, the function of the alt key when dragging seems to have changed. Now its set to ‘Resize from center’. I am not completely certain what the official title of its previous function was, but I think it did something like disabling snapping before.

‘Resize from center’ is certainly almost niche and useless compared to what it did before. Is there a way to revert this change? . One key needs to be for disabling snapping, I don’t really care what else is done with the UI.

For disabling snapping, I believe it is ctrl key, from the little big updates in 2023, you can see #15 in this post:

To me, resizing while holding alt has always been resize from center.
