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Hi, I created an interactive component that worked fine until one week ago (more or less). Now, when you hover on it the font changes and shows the message “Some missing fonts were replaced”

Thank you Nellya!! You really enlighten me!!! 👏 👏

Hello, can we get an update on this?

Just started seeing this too. It happens with Google Fonts, randomly.

In my prototype I have a set of variables (font family, weight, size) and 3 modes. When in prototype I switch mode some fonts randomly get replaced.

Can we get an update on this issue? This problem makes it difficult to share with clients that do not have these fonts installed. Almost makes sharing prototypes useless.

Same for me, font switches to another weight in prototype.

Is there a solution?

Hello everyone,

I encountered the same issue during remote usability testing of the Figma prototype in (respondent’s) browser. In our scenario, we have some text string which needs to be changed to another string using a variable and as the interaction was triggered, “some missing fonts were replaced” and on the top, not every text using this variable was updated (which caused logical issues in the test scenario).

This seems to be problem when using local fonts, and apparently as the browser uses “canvas” element where everything is drawn by javascript, Figma prototype in browser can not change the text to other string on the fly. I filed a bug report and hopefully will hear about it soon.

As a workaround, we did the following: since we only need the text to be either “string A” or “string B”, we created a component with both strings as variants. Then, using interaction we only change that component variant, not the string variable. That way Figma can “draw” the text layer (in the background probably just vector/outline of the original text).

I can update you with information from Figma team once I hear back about the bug report.
