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Hi, I created an interactive component that worked fine until one week ago (more or less). Now, when you hover on it the font changes and shows the message “Some missing fonts were replaced”

It seems to be especially buggy with interactive components with variants

Same problem here. Especially visible with fontawesome with ligatures

  • Not having a problem if the font is installed locally and the server is running

  • If I don’t have the font, it render the raw text instead of the icon.

→ My hypothesis is that the content of the variants are regenerated when appearing, instead of just being displayed, hence breaking any prerendered texts.

Very frustrating 😦 We have to revert back to use SVG icons as a mitigation …

This is quite a big issue. The fonts appear fine when my team is working on the document, but when shared with the client via the share link, the fonts appear broken and ultimately break the interactive prototype.

I’m experiencing the same issue. While designing, everything works fine, but in presentation mode, the fonts (one of them being Font Awesome 6 Pro) don’t load.

But I discovered something curious:

I only experience the issue when I go into presentation mode with no artboard/frame selected.

If I select an artboard/frame before clicking the play icon, the fonts will load just fine, and everything works as expected.

Same issue but not in Figma, but in MAZE.

We have this issue with a font which is included in our shared font. The issue is with the interactive components.

When we load the prototype in Maze, the interactive components don’t load the font “Some missing fonts were replaced”.

Everything works perfectly within the Figma app for me.

Presented over Zoom within the Figma app to a client last week, everything worked brilliantly. Then I went to send the link so they could play around with it in their browser and thought I’d test the link before sending… and boom, all my variants had missing fonts – on my machine with all the relevant fonts installed.

I would kinda understand if the issue was only when viewed on a machine without the fonts installed, but mine has them installed.

It’s a pointless feature if we can’t send a prototype link to a client and everything render as it should.

I also have this issue, but I found a way to overcome this and use Font Awesome Pro

Icons in Figma Prototypes.

It is to “outline stroke” (ctrl-shift-o on PC).

Yes, you lose the editability of this icon, but if you keep a template component that is not outlined, it’s easy to create new ones or update existing ones.

If you get the plugin Select Layers, you can easily select the text layers inside a batch of components/variants and turn them to outline all at once. Then, no more issues with rendering in prototype and more importantly sharing to clients.

That’s what I did, hope that can help people.

Still, it’s a bug and should be adressed by Figma dev team.

When you present a prototype, there is a bug with the fonts. The fonts are replaced by a generic font, even if it’s in your design system.

I have found two ways to change that :

Use a Google font or add manually fonts as admin in Figma directly in the settings.

Hope this helps you ✌️

+1 same problem

in presentation mode fonts change to another while hovering element

(bugs have coming yesterday)

I get this only with component instance, if I detach instance them, the font then renders properly, but that defeats the purpose of components in the first place.

If I select the first flow artboard, THEN click on play to get the prototype. My prototype now display the font properly. If I share from this link, people see it properly.

Like someone else mentionned, having no frame selected when pressing play generates the issue.

This is a big issue for me with interactive components. Can’t use them in prototypes if the correct fonts don’t display. It seems like it’s been happening for months with no response? Hopefully will be fixed when it the feature comes out of Beta.

For me, I have Open Sans set as the font, the google fonts version, but when my prototype renders in preview mode, the fonts in just the interactive component reset to browser defaults and do not display as Open Sans.

My typeface is switched to Helvetica for the text elements in interactive components. If I disable IC before going into presentation mode, the correct typeface is showed. Note: this is a regression as of a week ago for me.

Appears to be a duplicate of Missing fonts in prototype - Interactive components

Sample problem here, and same workaround working for me as well. It doesn’t matter which frame is selected before going into presentation mode.

Thanks for sharing Jonas!

Same problem here.

This appear more frequently on browser and in console I get error 400 and 401.

The font I used is Jost family, but the above errors are also for Roboto and IBM Plex.

Same Problem here!!

Sometimes it works on sharing links (on chrome), but not in the Prototypefigma mode.

Please Help!! I had to flatten all my text to do a showcase in my company!!!

I love Figma but that really sucks…

Same problem. Disabling interactive components and restarting “fixed” it. This is a huge issue though; interactive components are unusable.

I’m also having this issue and it caused a huge problem with my clients that put the whole project at risk. Some major bug like this should never be left unnoticed! I know it is a beta version but this is too critical to not warn users or prioritize solving. Most interfaces are 80% text and this is a interface design software.

Same here

Same here! 🥲

@figma Help us out!!!

Help please!

Same thing here. All interactive components were working fine just a moment ago until a single component destroyed all the fonts. I was using Arial and definitely have that installed. The fonts still work okay in the “Design view” but in the “Prototype” view they are replaced.

Sadly, I’ve been experiencing this, too, for quite some time. But only yesterday I started noticing a much more severe issue: some text lines in interactive component instances won’t even get displayed in the prototype mode.

Yup, this is still a live issue at the moment.

Same here 😢
