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So, in principle, if an instance is inside of another component, changing the variant causes the text to reset back to the text of the master component.

This also happens with other properties of the instance, e.g. if you set some booleans up they will be reset to how they were set in the master component once the variant is changed via variable.

Here’s a screenshot of what I mean:

and here’s the link to the file to mess around with.

(So, this issue might be similar (or even basically the same) as discussed here: Change to on instance not keeping text change but frankly I haven’t had the patience to look into OPs setup 😅 I tried to break the issue down to the most bare-bones that I could in the file I provided (also to see if the issue has anything to do with my components or just is a bug)

If anyone has found a workaround do let me know 🙏 (and yes, I do need the instance within another instance; it’s a button inside a form layout that I want to reuse (and many other such cases).

Same problem here, someone know a workaround? thank you

Also running into this issue. I feel like we wouldn’t have to do this if there was a click away / on blur feature for prototypes.

The exact same issue is happening for me. I have scoured forums, and the bugs list to see if I am doing anything wrong. I have also attempted to contact Figma multiple times which has fallen on deaf ears.

I am also using nested component instances and when I change the String and Boolean variables in that instance, the changes not only don’t appear in my prototype. They also eventually disappear from my file all together. I have tried the suggestion to check the “Reset component state” box which hasn’t helped at all.

If anyone has found a work around to this issue please let me know! I’m getting desperate as I have to present my prototype soon and I can’t keep having to go back and redo all of my work!

Thanks so much!

I had the same issue, worked around weeks, and for me, the problem was solved by simply NOT HAVING the text property in the component, and if I needed to edit the text in the instance simply command-click on the text layer to edit it, that way it didn’t reset and all worked just fine

We have the same issue in our design system and it’s causing a lot of annoying frustration.

We narrowed this issue down when a string property is changed with a variable (like iOS and Android). Which I think what OP is seeing here, too. The component resets to it’s defaults when the property is switched with a variable mode, see here:

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 15.57.01

But when we switch the mode manually, we see everything working as expected

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 15.57.34

We have had this issue for a couple of months now. There does not seem to be a workaround.

Same here. If I change the variant manually it keeps the texts, but if it changes based on the variable, all texts reset to the value of the default component.

Dear Figma! Please fix this issue ASAP.

I’ve been having this issue for months and am honestly astounded this bug exists, in what appears to be a pretty core functionality. This really needs to be fixed.
