Yesterday all the designs have got detached from the Jira tickets, is there any solution to fix this issue??
Jira Version : Jira Cloud
Plugin we use : Figma for Jira
Please we are a company and our business got affected due to this issue!
Yesterday all the designs have got detached from the Jira tickets, is there any solution to fix this issue??
Jira Version : Jira Cloud
Plugin we use : Figma for Jira
Please we are a company and our business got affected due to this issue!
Hey Mohamed,
Sorry to hear you are having issues with it! I’ve replied to you by DM.
Sharing also here for visibility:
If anyone else encounters this issue, please contact our support team directly by submitting a bug report here:
This would be helpful for our support team. Thank you
This is happening to us as well!! Will work with our designer to log the issue.
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