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Hi all, the “back” interaction doesn’t work within variables of a “cross icon” component, in a components-driven prototype.

The “cross icon” is not a stroke, it’s a normal path and I have followed Figma’s suggestions to group the arrow in a frame and make the frame interact (not the arrow itself) but this doesn’t work neither, I have even tried to add the interaction into multiple other elements.

It seems to be linked to the variables, if I do not use variables and only artboards, the back interaction works, but not to change a variable to another.

Hi @Mehdi_Radi would you be able to share some screenshot as I’m not sure to understand the relationship between the interaction action “Back” and the variables

Sure here it is, you can see that I want the variant to go back to previously visited variant and it just doesn’t work.

All these pages that you see in my screenshot are all variables of one component.

Hi @Haroll have you been able to see my above messages? Thanks

I am using a Mac and a Windows for the same project, can this be the source of this issue? @Haroll

I’m experiencing the same issue, here’s an example

  1. have 2 frames, add a click-based navigation to the 1st frame to the 2nd frame

  2. launch the preview and click the 1st frame- the 2nd frame is now visible

  3. press the browser back and see the browser rendering the 1st frame

here’s the respective counter-example

  1. have a frame with a component with 2 variants and a button

  2. add a click interaction to the button to change the value of the variable to the name of the 2nd variant

  3. bind the selected variant of the component to a string variable

  4. present the preview and click the button

  5. notice the component rendering the 2nd variant

  6. click the back browser in the button

  7. result: nothing happens

  8. expected: the back button restores the value of the variable to it’s initial value and the component renders the first variant
