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the transparent menu bar is really unreable in light mode, plz return back to black

grey font and transparent background color is really unreadable. if you are not aiming to advoid users switch between different files, plz return back to the original UI

Tabs are very hard to see/read with light gray text with a lighter gray tab color, very poor UI/UX.

Like damn, is this something from UI3, because only the menu bar changed…

When a dark stripe divides the light area, it creates very unpleasant sensations as if some error occurred and the interface has not loaded.

The theme color changed this morning by itself with no way to get it back, and it is very annoying.

My color scheme was = a work area with light panels, a dark top project selection bar, and dark app navigation.

Now, it is striped for some reason (top gray, second-row black), and there is no way to fix it as the theme changes everything, not the top bar. Switching to the system or dark mode changes the tool panels to black as well. I do not want that as it is very disturbing to my eyes and a very bad example of contrast management within adjacent interaction points.





Oh, so this is the new theme? I thought it was a bug and created a post… it tells a lot about what I think of the new theme.

It violates contrast, usability heuristics and proximity rules, color balance…

Feels like zero UX considerations were given and was just copied as a random idea from Dribbble or Pinterest…


Looking for help. Yesterday, while moving around my tabs and organizing things I somehow turned the top nav bar white? Can’t seem to find an option to revert it.

Here’s a screenshot:


Hi guys,

Not sure whether this is an UI update or a bug, but does anyone know how I can turn back to dark the top bar containing the tabs?

This is how it looks on my end, it’s terrible.

Same here, it’s TEEERRIIIIBLEEEEE!!! So distracting and so ugly, looks like a high contrast software from the 90s. Why in the world would anyone do this?

This is a screenshot from my end, for me it just turned white/grey. Ugly is an understatement, plus it’s ridiculously distracting.

This seems to be a bug related to UI3.

The top bar in UI3 is white with a transparency, and sometimes it will appear in UI2…

Changing the theme doesn’t help, if you opt for dark the top nav bar will turn dark too, but so will the right and left sidebars. And turning it to light will turn everything to light except for the Figma toolbar.

Yeah! I was digging around the toggle bar tab developer tools and sure enough… It seems like UI3 sneaking on the stable build for whatever reason:

class="shell--**ui3** shell--backgrounded" data-preferred-theme="light".

When I clear my cache and inspect the login screen I’m greeted with the wonderful and familiar dark UI2:

class="shell--**ui2** shell--backgrounded" data-preferred-theme="dark"

Looks like a bug. Talk over here too. Tab and Nav bar is now white? - #4 by syigit

Started a similar topic this morning. It is very disturbing and tiresome to my eyes.

Hey All, thanks for flagging this!

We’ve passed this topic onto our UI3 team to investigate and work on a fix.

It’s also unbearable in dark mode, you can see it with any white windows behind.

I am using the desktop, yesterday its top bar has been changed from black to white, and now it looks like:

I am wondering if the light top bar is prepared for new UI3 and if I can change it back before I actually get the UI3. After all, it looks so ugly when light top bar meets deep tool bar.

I am using the desktop, yesterday its top bar has been changed from black to white, and now it looks like:

I am wondering if the light top bar is prepared for new UI3 and if I can change it back before I actually get the UI3. After all, it looks so ugly when light top bar meets deep tool bar.

This happened to me as well, during the last few days I was exploring and working with the new interface (UI3), but a couple of minutes ago after opening a file, it started opening everything with the old UI. I hope someone can give us more details about this behavior.

😭 I didn’t even get a new interface once

Hi there,

It’s reported internally and our engineering team is working on a fix.

Thanks for your patience!


Hi there,

Let me merge this post to the existing one so you can follow the latest information. Please follow the thread below!



Yeah, this happened to me just before I got access to UI3. It changed back when I toggled UI3 off again.

if it’s any “help” the new bar is unreadable in dark mode too, dropping the colour from the icons has made it way harder to differentiate between FigJam and Figma files. Silhouettes can only do so much.
